Chapter 16: Cousins!?

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"Welcome home lil sis, any boys hitting on you that need a beating?" I hear Julian ask as he appears out of nowhere.

"Th-thank you Julian and no I think most boys get intimidated by Enzo" I say shyly with a smile.

 "Well if they get intimidated by that softee they would definitely piss their pants if i was there" I hear Hunter say with a smug face standing beside Julian.

"Hunter" Enzo warns, narrowing his eyes, making Hunter quickly apologize pretending it was a joke.

"Did my little angel have a good time?" Noah comes up to me and says while crouching.

"Yes, I really enjoyed my time with Enzo" I answered with a smile towards Enzo, making him pat my head.

"Did you get everything you need? '' Xavier says sitting in the living room in the middle of all the strange people looking cold as ever. "Y-yes i-i h-have everything n-now" I stutter still feeling great intimidation from him.

"So, this is my little cousin I've heard so much about?" one of the strangers stood up as he approached me.

"C-cousin!?" I am surprised as I feel a familiar aura around him, the same as Xavier has but friendlier.

"That's right, I'm your oldest cousin. My name is Owen, only 1 year older than your big bro Xavier" He says as I listen in shock at now having cousins.

"That guy sitting over there is Emilio who is the same age as Xavier, Nora who is the same age as Enzo and also one of the few girls of the family as you may realize. We also have Isaac at 20 years old that has a similar personality as your grumpy brother Zach. Over there sits Adrian who acts a lot like your twin brothers, pretty energetic and annoying. Then lastly we have Leah and Luca who are twins. They are 15 which makes them closer to your age" He introduces as I stare in amazement at all my new cousins.

Gratitude comes over me as I also realise that I'm not the only girl, there are actually 2 more!

"Adrian, Leah and Luca will also be in the same school as you so don't hesitate in asking them if you need anything" Emilio says while Leah gives me a sweet smile which I return.

"I love your name, I had a friend named Ariana once," Leah says, drawing everybody's attention to us.

"Thank you very much, feel free to call me Aria for short as my friends and... previous family did" i explain realizing all those people are in the past now.

"Aria it is" Nora says as I nod in approval. "I don't know, I feel like shorty fits her better" Hunter says with a smirk, pretending to think making Adrian laugh in the process.

"Stop teasing our sister idiot" Noah says, hitting Hunter at the back of his head lightly.

"Hey you can't hit me i'm older than you" Hunter yells angrily at his brother.

"Stop it you two, get going to the dining hall it's time to eat" Xavier announces making everybody turn and walk out, towards the dining hall.

Before I can leave I see Luca approaching me, reaching out his hand.

"Hey, you're the first family member who's younger than me. As the older cousin I am , I will not disappoint you" he says proudly.

"Thank you Luca, I hope we can be friends as you and your sister are the closest to my age" I say as I shake Luca's hand. "I also hope we can be friends, you seem

like a really nice person" Leah says shyly as she appears beside Luca. I smile at her in return, having a good feeling about our relationship.

"Then it's settled, from this day on we three will be friends" Luca annonces. "Best friends!" I say earning a giggle from Leah.

"Oi are you brats coming or not?" Isaac asks, sounding annoyed earning an angry look from Luca. "Watcha call me!?" Luca yells at Isaac who ignores him. 

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