Chapter 47: We Found Him

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Opening my eyes, I realize it's still dark outside. I lay on my back looking up at my ceiling as the tears run down silently. As long as no one sees, I can cry.

I feel a kind of sadness I've never experienced before. I feel empty and cold. But mostly, I feel alone. I always liked being alone in my old room in my old house . It was nice and peaceful. But now I realize that it wasn't loneliness.

I thought it was, but now I realize I've never felt lonely before because if I wanted to, I could always go get a hug from my mom whenever I wanted.

Or if I was bored I could go play some cards with my brother Sebasian. Real loneliness is when you have no choice, no options.

It's true that I have a bunch of brothers right now but I have barely lived with them for a month. How can I even compare them to the people I spent all those years with. Oh and how much I miss Sebastian.

We were always closer than normal siblings. We told each other everything and always got along. We had our fair share of fights but we always made up in the end. He would get angry with me and then cry afterwards from the guilt of hurting my feelings.

He was like that, always so sensitive but full of so much empathy that he could never even hurt a fly, literally. He loved kids but was always so gentle and careful around them.

He sure gave the best hugs too. I smile at the thought as I feel my eyes burn even more from the warm, never ending tears. I raise my arm towards the ceiling as I stare at my hand reaching out for the sky.

"Mom? Dad? Can you see me?" I ask quietly as I struggle to get the words out. I snap my head towards the door as I hear footsteps.

I quickly wipe my tears and close my eyes and pretend that I'm asleep. I hear the person entering my room and making their way towards me.

"Hey, wake up" I hear Zachs deep voice as he gently shakes my shoulder.

I groan as I pretend to only now wake up.

"We found him-" He begins as I, in seconds, sit up looking at him. "You found him? You really found him? please tell me he's alright, is he-" I get cut off by Zach who looks surprised by my sudden rush.

"Easy now just calm down, we only know where he is but not how he's doing" He says as I look down in disappointment but still feel apricitive from the hope that has filled me.

Zach must've noticed my disappointment as I felt my chin getting lifted up.

"We might not know how he's doing but we at least know that he's alive. So try not to worry too much, I'm sure he's alright" He says looking in my eyes.

I put on some casual but comfy clothes and make my way towards the living room where Zach told me to wait before leaving my room. I enter the living room to see my oldest brothers Xavier, Enzo and Zach.

They were all wearing dark clothes and had serious expressions, even Enzo. The time was 02:14 so it was pitch dark outside.

"Let's go," Xavier says as we make our way towards the garage. I wonder why the others have stayed behind but I'm too focused on getting my brother back to even care right now. We entered a big black SUV.

I sit in the backseat with Enzo as the other two sit in the front. The drive was silent, I didn't bother asking where we were going or how long it would take. The important thing is that we were on the way.

After 2 hours of worrying I feel the lack of sleep get to me as I rest my head towards the window and close my eyes.

Zach POV


I looked behind me to see that my little sister had finally fallen asleep. I knew she wasn't asleep when I woke her up before.

I could tell from her eyes that she had been crying her eyes out. I didn't want to say anything as I knew that she didn't want me to know.

It hurted so much to see her like that.

"She had been crying her eyes out before I came to wake her, she just pretended to be asleep to make me believe she was fine" I said with frustration and hurt to the others in the car.

I saw the pain that flashed through both of their eyes as I said that and knew exactly how they felt.

"I thought as much, I mean, who can blame her" Enzo says sadly.

"Let's just focus on finding Sebastian and hope he'll help her," Xavier says, not showing how much he's hurting.

It's true though, the only reason we are so motivated to find Sebasian is for him to make Aria feel better.

None of us like the idea of another guy calling himself her brother but right now we're desperate and just want for our little sister to smile again. He better not hurt her though.

Aria POV


I wake up by a bump in the road and look around to see my brothers talking about something. They seem serious but quickly change the topic when they notice I'm no longer asleep.

"Good Morning baby, you sleep ok?" Enzo asks, earning a nod in return. I rest my head on the window again as I stare out on the passing trees.

"We'll make a quick stop to eat something, we'll continue driving after that" Xavier says leaving no room for arguments, I sigh in return thinking he will probably force me to eat again.

I don't feel like eating will be much different than before, if not worse. Now we're on the way, we're so close and he really thinks I'm going to be able to eat?.

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