Chapter 18: Nervous first day

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"Thomas" Miss. Lopez yells behind her as I stare at the direction of the door.

"Miss. Alvarez is wishing for breakfast before her first school day" She says, making me realize who the man is, 'he must be the chef'. I look up to the tall man looking down at me with acknowledgement.

"Hello there miss. Alvarez. I am the head chef of this house, let me know whenever you want something to eat and i'll make it right away" He says with a friendly smile.

"Thank you Thomas but i was actually about to cook something up so there is no need for you to get too work for me" I say denying his request.

"Oh no i can not let you do that especially on your first day of school. You must be nervous, just sit and relax as I make something you will most likely enjoy" He says as I give in.

"Thank you, I will wait at the dining table" I say, not knowing how to feel about someone cooking for me as I mostly did that myself at my old house.

Sitting at the dining table I notice how one after another of my brothers approach the room.

"Good morning Angel, ready for your first day at the school?" I hear Noah ask as he walks in.

"Y-yeah t-totally" I lie as I try hiding the nervousness. 'They'll probably think i'm a total wimp for being this nervous about a stupid school start' I think to myself.

"Oh really then why are you stuttering like some nervous little school girl" I hear none other than Hunter say. I look away feeling that I might stutter again if I give a verbal response.

"Aw look how cute, looks like you were right Hunter, she is nervous" Julian says making Hunter smirk.

"A-a-am n-not" I stutter as i mental scold myself and get the sudden urge to smack myself in the face. I feel how my cheeks turn hot out of embarrassment as I look down avoiding their judging eyes.

"Do you have to be so loud, it's too early for this" Zach says as he sits at his chair yawning with Xavier sitting at the head of the table like usual.

"U-um excuse me but where is Enzo?" I ask, looking at Xavier.

"He's.. late but will eat later" He answers coldly as ever. "Here you go Miss. Alvarez '' I hear miss. Lopez say as she hands me a plate with pancakes on it.

"Thank you miss. Lopez" I say impressed as she gives me a nod and continues serving food for the rest.

"How will I exactly get to school?" I say not wanting to sound rude like I expect them to drive me.

"Zach will drive you," Xavier said in a stern voice almost immediately.

"Wait, why do I have to drive her?" Zach complains, making me sigh quietly.

"You will do it because Noah and the twins start school later today" He says authoritatively as he glances over to Zach almost daring him to talk back again.

After eating my pancakes I excuse myself to get my bag and wait for mr. grumpy pants in the living room.

"Let's go brat" He says as he finally appears, walking out towards his car which is a black Mercedes. The drive to school is very awkward as I stare out the windows trying to look occupied. As i feel a lump forming in the pit of my stomach I realize my nervousness is only increasing.

The sky is pretty dark but what do you expect in the cold month of January, the snow is half melted and the temperature is low. The wind is strong making all the trees move violently.

As I wait for the car to warm up I suddenly remember only wearing my hoodie and totally forgetting my jacket. 'Oh no, there is no way i can tell Zach that. He'll just hate me even more' I tell myself looking shyly over at Zach.

"What is it? don't tell me you forgot something" He says coldly, eyes still glued to the road. 'Does he have eyes on his neck or something' I wonder.

"N-no i-i um i w-was ju-just um" I stutter trying to think of what you say. Zach just sighs, not bothering to respond for some reason. As we reach the school I open the car door happy that the ride is finally over.

"Here" I hear Zach say, making me stop and turn around. He throws his black leather jacket making it fall on top of my head before I catch it.

"Seriously, you should've just told me you forgot your jacket. What do you think i'm gonna do, kill you" He asks annoyed

"Maybe" i murmur under my breath.

"I heard that" He says as I flinch at his tone.

"What ever get your ass to school and make sure not to talk to any boys or i'll kill them and lock you up forever" He say intimidatedly.

"S-sure. But hey, th-thanks a lot for the jacket" I say looking down, I hear him chuckle lightly as he then drives off into the distance. 

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