Chapter 30: I Don't Mind

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"Tick..tock..tick..tock" The clock ticked as I wait for the last minute to pass. After the long minute that felt like 10 minutes, I quickly close my book and leave the classroom in a hurry.

"You're staying 10 minutes ext-" I hear professor grumpy yell as I pretend not to hear him.

"Hi Aria, are you gonna head towards the cafeteria now?" I hear Logan and Lucy call out.

"Y-yeah" I answer, kind of surprised they noticed me. "Let's go eat together, Sam said he'd come a bit later, something about being late and staying longer in class" I hear Logan say as I feel a bit guilty. 'I should apologise to Sam for making him late for class' I think.

As we approach a table I accidentally bump into no other than Steffany.

"Watch where you're going bitch" She yelled in annoyance, making everybody in the cafeteria stare at us, including Noah, the twins, Adrian, even Zach and Isaac (Zach and Isaac go to the college and drive in a different car). 'Wonder why Leah and Luca are though?'

"Oops sorry about that Steffany" I say with a fake smile that was hiding the annoyance in me. 'I'm not making a scene nor i'm i gonna act like a bitch like she is' I say to myself trying to calm my nerves.

"Chill Stefanny it was only an accident" Logan defends.

"Logan, why are you even with this whore, I thought you were better than that?" She says as I notice all of my brothers and cousins standing up with pure rage in their eyes.

I shook my head negatively to tell them not to make a scene. Shocker, they totally ignored it.

"What do you have against Aria? She hasn't done you any harm so just leave her alone" Lucy continues.

"It's fine guys just leave it" I say, smiling at them.

"Oh shut up your voice makes me want to puke" she whines. 'Oh have you heard yourself?' I tell her in my head. I have a habit of answering people in my head.

Suddenly Steffany and her minions gasp in fear as they stare at the shadows behind me. I look over my shoulder to see my brothers and cousins standing inches behind my back staring daggers into the biches eyes.

"What do you think you're doing talking to our sister like that" I hear Noah warning with the most intimidating voice he's ever used.

"Do you have a death wish or something?" Hunter growls. At this point Steffany started crying which was obviously fake.

"B-but she was..she was bullying me whaa" She cried as she went towards my brothers practically hanging on them for comfort.

"Do you really think we'll believe you over our own sister!" Julian yell, making Steffany flinch. I saw Zach grab her wrist while looking straight into the biches eyes.

"If I see you anywhere near my sister again I'll make you pay," He says, daring her.

"Guys it's ok it wasn't a bi-"

"I'll deal with you later" Zach interrupted as i tried to calm the situation. Isaac and Adrian were just standing at either side of my brothers with their arms crossed on their chest looking pissed as hell.

The cafeteria was silent with all eyes on us and a few students filming the scene. 'Wait, what the heck did I do?' I wonder why Zach would want to 'deal with me later'. As soon as Zach let go of her wrist she ran out as she looked like she was about to explode out of anger. I sigh out of relief as she left.

"Aria are you ok i just saw Steffany run out the cafeteria while cursing at you" Sam says running toward us.

"Sam you're here! and don't worry about Steffany it wasn't a big deal really" I reassure him with a smile.

"Not a big deal?! Why did you just stand there and take it?" Hunter yells annoyed at my passive behavior.

"Because she didn't hurt me alright, it was just an accident" I answer back.

"He didn't mean the part when she walked in to you but her disgusting attitude afterwards" Adrian clarified.

"I know but it doesn't bother me so i don't care" i lied as they looked at me not believing a word.


"Aria stop showing them you care'' Sebastian, my former twin brother said as we were walking home from school.

"But they make me so angry and sad, how are they ever gonna stop if I don't say anything?" I asked him. "Maybe they won't stop but at least it won't get worse.

If you ignore them they won't get the reaction they hoped for and they'll eventually get bored" Sebastian explanes.


"Well it should bother you! if you don't want to fight back it's fine but at least tell us so we can do it for you" Noah half yells making me quiet.

"Listen it's over now so just forget about it. C'mon guys let's go eat" I say as I turn around to go eat with Sam, Logan and Lucy as my brothers haven't moved and look pissed off as ever.  

A/N: I finally reached 1K readers!! Thank you al so much for reading this far, it was really not expected. Love you all :)

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