Chapter 44: Making The Call

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We make our way home from a tiring visit from the hospital and as I walk through the door I feel my body getting lifted and thrown towards the sofa.

"Hey what was that for?" I ask angrily as I turn around to be met with a scary looking Zach.

"You didn't really think you would get away with hitting me did you?" He says with a smirk. Before I could say anything he attacked me with tickles.

"NO STOP HAHA ZACK! HAHA " I try saying between laughing and trying to catch my breath.

"Enzo haha help meeee!" I say as I see Enzo making his way towards us with

"Hey are you filming?" I whine. He chuckles in response as I realize I have to fight back on my own. I try grabbing Zach's hair only for him to pin both my hands down with his free hand as he continues torturing me.

"No haha stop please haha i'm dying" I say as he finally lets go of me with a satisfied smirk. As he stands up straight I take the opportunity to stand on the sofa and jump on his back attacking him like a monkey would a tree.

"Get off you little monkey" he says amused. Suddenly I feel my body getting pulled away by strong arms.

"Easy now tiger i think he's had enough" I feel a chest rumble with a chuckle and with the deep voice that could only belong to Xavier.

I stiffen at the realization of my most intimidating brother carrying me so casually. I look up, giving him a shy smile as his eyes soften just a bit. He lets me go as he makes his way upstairs towards his office.


A few hours later

I lay in bed feeling the same as I did before in the restaurant, like something is wrong. I pull up my phone and dial the number I have been struggling to call ever since I arrived here. My former family.

'How will they react? Will they be angry at me for being happy here? or maybe that i haven't called sooner?' thoughts cloud my mind like a storm as my eyes start burning with unshed tears.

I feel so torn apart from having a former family that I deeply love but at the same time being here and feeling like I found the place I really belong. I feel guilt from being happy here and fear that they will hate me now.

'What will I say to them?' I find myself wondering. After realizing I won't find the answer by just thinking about it I decide to just do it and call them.

I dial the number putting the phone towards my ear as I wait. My heart pounds fast against my chest as I wait for someone to pick up. Then, after thinking no one will pick up, I hear someone's voice.

"Who is this?" I almost cry from hearing my 'twin brothers' voice but something is definitely wrong by the tone he is speaking in.

"Sebastian it's me, Aria" I say, feeling a tear silently run down my cheek as I smile in hearing his voice. It's silent in a few seconds until I hear something that resembles sobbing. 'Is he crying?' 

"Hey, are you crying?" I ask with a shaky voice like I'm about to cry myself. "Aria i-i'm s-so happy you're safe" He says as he chokes on sobs.

"Shh easy bro, I told you I'll be fine didn't i?" I say with a small smile.

"But Aria, mom and dad they're...they're" I hear him try saying as I feel my heart start pounding even faster.

"They're.. dead.." 'What did he say? dead?' I feel my breathing start to become even heavier as silent tears stream like waterfalls down my cheeks.

Too shocked by the news, too even make an expression as my tears keep dropping down one after another and as I start hyperventilating. 

'NO! NO! NO! IT'S NOT TRUE! IT'S NOT TRUE!' I scream in my mind. "Someone killed them" He choked out.

"When I came home from my friend's house, I found their lifeless bodies on the ground with tons of blood everywhere" He broke down even more as he continued.

"Please come back, i need you" But i can't hear, everything is silent except from the ringing in my ears. I stand up from my bed as I drop my phone on the ground. I run towards the balcony to get air, I need air.

Suddenly I hear yelling and I'm pushed into someone's embrace.

"Hey hey easy, what's wrong baby?" Enzo says as he tries calming me down while running his fingers through my hair. But it doesn't work, nothing does.

My heart feels like it's breaking into pieces and everything hurts. I can't breathe and I feel my body only getting worse. I can't stop the tears from falling and I feel like passing out from the lack of oxygen I'm getting.

"D-dead, th-there dead" I choke out in a shaky panicked voice. There's a pause like he's processing what I just said.

"Hey man what's happening" I hear Zach's concerned voice in the background ask.

"I think it's the people she once thought were her family, the're... dead" Hearing Enzo saying it outloud makes it feel a lot more real and i can't help but grip his shirt tightly.

"Just breathe, i need you to calm down Aria, you're breathing way too fast right now" He says desperately trying to calm me. "I can't, I can't breathe" I say as my breath hitches. 

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