Chapter 2

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I woke up from my power nap and walked out to the doll seeing it sitting in the exact position it was in then I pick up my purse and walk to the cafeteria to grab something to eat for lunch. I walk into the cafeteria get some food then I see a group of girls waving to me asking me to sit with them.

The brunette calls out "hey! Come sit with us!" I point to myself and they all nod so I shrug walk over and sit down. The small blonde one says "So first day for you too?" I nod the girl with dirty blonde hair looks at me "We're all new"  they all nod. I look at them all "So what are you all studying" they all turn to me "We're studying demonology" my face lightens up "No way! So am I!" the blonde one smiles "Really?"

I nod then dirty blonde whispers quietly "Do you think that Mr. Warren is good looking?" I shake my head then they all look at my and say in sync "Why not?"  a giggle "He's just not my type" the blonde looks at me "Yeah we all have our own opinions" the dirty blonde turns to me "Oh we never introduced ourselves I'm Leah!" the blonde then speaks up "I'm Olivia" then finally the brunette turns to me "And I'm Bella" I smile "It's nice to meet you all I'm Malia"

They all look at me in shock Olivia speaks up "Your name is so pretty" I smile "Thank you" Leah turns to me "So have you decorated your dorm yet?" I nod "Yeah everything is done I got a chance to go down to the arts and
crafts shop too" Bella turns to me "Ooo did you get anything" I look at her "I got  a raggedy anne doll" Olivia smiles "Interesting" we talk for a while

I nod "Well I should
go and get to my dorm finish everything off before dinner" they all smile then Leah speaks up "Alright it was lovely meeting you" I nod "It was nice meeting you guys too, bye!" I walk out and go to my dorm.

I walk in put my purse on the coffee table then walk to my room to get things ready for class tomorrow, the class is going to be a lot longer because today's class what just an introduction. "I really want to meet Mrs. Warren tomorrow" I say as a take out a nice outfit and accessories

"I think I'm just going to skip dinner for today i'm not that hungry after lunch" I run out to the couch and grab the raggedy Anne doll and go back into my room "I think I'll name you.....Annabelle!" I set her on my bed and smile. I take off my shoes and set them down by my desk where my clothes are.

I finish getting everything done and before I know it, it's 6:30 "I really did do a good job on my dorm I mean I put everything into the bathroom, decorated my room, fixed up the living room then I also done the kitchen" this school was very expensive that's really why it has a lot more in it than other schools.

I go into the bathroom then take a shower I wash my hair then my body then eventually I get out, wrap a towel around my self and run to my bedroom thankfully not slipping. I quickly dry off and put on my pjs "I'm really tired" I fold the towel and quickly get into bed then slowly doze off to sleep, sleeping with the doll beside me.

word count : 624

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