Chapter 5

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7:25 pm

It has been two weeks since I saw Annabelle move but nothing else has really happened since then we had a few more people join our class their names are Audrey and Julia they're in our friend group now, getting to know new people is something I like doing. Leah is still literally in love with Mr. Warren but Mrs. Warren is very nice to us she has been talking to me about what could happen with the doll if it keeps moving even tho it hasn't moved so I think someone just played a trick on me. Tonight the girls and I are going out for food it's Saturday so why not! I'm getting ready and all I need to do is grab m-

Leah knocks on the door so I run to the door and open in "Hi!" Leah smiles "Hey! All the girls will be here soon they are just taking a while" I nod now as I was saying is all I need to do is grab my earring "I'll be back I'm just going to put on my earring" I run to the bathroom and put them in and walk back out then I hear a knock on the door but no ones there then I look at the floor and see a piece of parchment I pick it up and read it "miss me?" Leah looks at me "huh?" I hand her the parchment then next thing I see a dirty blonde hair girl and a  brunette girl walk down the hall towards my door the brunette is Julia the dirty blonde is Audrey we met them when we were out for lunch last week Audrey studies theatre and Julia studies art. I see Julia smile "Hi Malia!" I smile "Hi!" they walk in and we all wait for Olivia and Bella

Leah is still trying to figure out who could've left the note there that's when Bella and Olivia walk in "Hi'" Olivia smiles as she walks in Bella looks around "Are you guys ready?" we all nod "Let's go" I speak up we all walk out and go out of the campus and start to walk towards the town


We all walk into the restraint breadsticks and take a seat Leah looks at Bella and Olivia "You both will never guess what Malia found at her door" Bella looks at Leah "What is it?" she hands her the paper and Olivia reads it while Bella has it and they both look at Leah "Who did it?" I laugh "I don't know it might be someone in our class maybe" Audrey takes it and looks at it "That looks like a child's handwriting" Julia then takes it and looks at it "It does a little maybe someone wrote like that as a joke or something" I nod "I think it might be one of my friends from high school that go here too or something"

After we look at the menu's we order our food and keep our conversation going Bella sips her drink then looks at Leah "So are you still drooling over Mr. Warren?" Leah looks at her "Oh hush" Julia looks shocked "Since when have you been drooling over Mr. Warren" Olivia laughs "Since the first day" Bella "We all think he's good looking Julia, Audrey I know you two don't but Leah just can't take her eyes off of him" we all laugh Leah looks at  Olivia "Olivia who do you think left the note there?" she shrugs then after we talk on and on next thing we know our food comes out and we start to eat


We all finish eating and split the bill 5 ways and leave to go back to campus, we all decided
to have a sleepover so we go to Julia's dorm, Audrey's dorm, my dorm, Olivia's dorm and Leah's dorm then finally we stop at Bella's she said she was fine with it being at her dorm we all walk in then we go change into our pj's then like a group of teenage girls we sit on the
floor and start to talk about the lectures and high school, boys, girls everything then we go through the magazines I pick up one with the band 'Queen' on the cover "Ooooo looks who's doing a tour of America" Leah smiles "I would
love to go and see them preform that Roger boy isn't too bad looking" Bella looks at Leah "You say that about every boy" she smiles "I know!" we all laugh and talk and have out conversations then we go to Bella's bedroom and grab our blankets then Bella, Leah, Julia and I jump onto the bed then Olivia jumps in on top of us Audrey then following after, Bella has a king size bed so we all fix nice and cosy and fall asleep.


I jump up out of my sleep and sit up I keep having nightmares about that doll Malia has, I look at the clock and it's 2:30am I really should get some sleep this is the third time this week that this has happened. I then hear a noise from downstairs so I walk down to the hall and walk down the stairs, the lights are off I walk into the living room to see no one there then I walk into the kitchen and see a small dark figure run down to the basement so I follow it down the stairs quietly.

I see the figure run into mine and Ed's office and look around the room I check into the little closet then I walk slowly over to the desk and turn on the lamp and scream and so does... Judy "Judy?" she stands up and look at me "Hi Mom.." we both hear running coming from the stairs then we see ed run in "What happened?!?!" Judy and I turn around then Ed walks over quickly and kisses my forehead "Are you both ok?" I nod I was coming downstairs to get water and saw a figure in the kitchen running down to hear and turns out it was Judy so when I turned on the lamp we both got scared and screamed" Judy nods quickly "I was just getting a glass
of water too I'm sorry" Ed kisses Judy's head and hugs her "Don't worry sunshine you don't need to be sorry about anything now quickly up to bed" Judy smiles nods then runs up to bed I look at Ed he smiles "We should go up to bed to also you never usually wake up during the night did something happen?" I nod "A nightmare that raggedy Anne doll it isn't one bit safe we can talk about it in the morning though come on" I turn off the lamp and we walk up to bed.


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