Chapter 4

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I wake up, hop out of bed get dressed I do the same as usual I pick up my bag walk out of my room and look at Annabelle "She didn't move thank god!" I quickly walk out and catch Bella, Leah and Olivia walking to class so i run behind them "Hi!" Leah turns around "Hello Malia!" Bella and Olivia turn around
too "Morning!" we keep walking and taking  then Mr. Warren walks by with out lorraine shockingly she's probably in the lecture room next thing I know I hear Bella, Olivia and Leah say in sync "Hi Mr. Warren" he smiles "Hi girls" as he keeps walking. Leah got really excited she needs to calm down. Eventually we get to the lecture room and walks in and once again in sync but all of us this time we look at Mrs. Warren and say "Hello Mrs. Warren" she laughs lightly and smiles "Morning girls"

We all go and sit in the same seats as last class "Did you girls see Mr. Warren walking here?" Leah nods "He was walking towards the library" Lorraine smiles and nods "Alright thank what did you girls think of the clips we brought in yesterday?" Olivia looks at her "Were you not like really scared?" lorraine smiles "It was a little scary but Mr. Warren always protects me we look after each other when we do these things"

I give Mrs. Warren a warm smile, Bella looks up "I read that you have visions can you like see into the future?" Mrs. Warren smiles "Sometimes it happens....Oh Malia" I look up quickly "Yes Mrs. Warren?" she looks at the door to make sure no one is walking in then looks at me "You don't own a raggedy Anne doll by any chance do you" I gasp in shock "I....I do own one I got it on Monday" she sighs "Please be careful with it don't invite any spirits to live in the doll if one doesn't live in it already it can be very dangerous....we will be talking about this topic today so you'll learn more" I nod still in shock "ok ill be careful" she smiles "good"

Before we know it we see Mr. Warren speed through the door but the girls and
I are distracted with out conversation Mrs. Warren smiles as Mr. Warren walks in "Hi honey" I hear Mrs. Warren say Mr. Warren walks over and gives her a peck on the lips "Hi!" then eventually people start flooding into the lecture room then the class starts.


Mrs. Warren looks around the class "Letting inhuman posses doll or any objects is a very dangerous thing to do demonic spirits can disguise themselves as children or supposedly "good" spirits" Mr. Warren takes over "If any dolls or objects you own start to move around or do anything an object shouldn't do just
come to us after lectures" I think about the doll but I still think a friend is playing a trick on me.

Bella had fallen asleep during one of the clips  Leah looks at her and taps her shoulder "Bella..." Olivia is surprisingly paying attention and i'm taking down a lot of notes then I start to get hungry but ignore it and keep writing.

Mr. Warren walks over to the black board and writes down the words "infestation, oppression and possession" he explains what it means and by the time he is done the bell goes off Mrs. Warren smiles "That's it for today's class"

Leah hits Bella's arm "Bella!!" after that she jumps up Olivia, Leah and I laugh at her we all stand up and walk towards the door "Bye
girls!" I hear Mr. Warren and Mrs. Warren say Leah smiles and we all end up saying "Bye!" in sync then next thing we know Leah trips over thin air and flat on her face, Olivia tries not to laugh as we all gasp. Mr. Warren walks over and helps her up "Hey are you ok?" Leah blushes lightly and nods "Mhm i'm fine thank you" Mr. Warren smiles "Alright you four should go" we all nod and walk out "Bye!"

As we walk through the hall Leah is covering her face with her hands then eventually we get back to Olivias dorm.


I smile as I look at ed he's such a sweetheart he walks over to "I think that girl Leah has a thing for me" I laugh "Oh ed she was probably just embarrassed that she fell flat on her face" he looks at me "She has a thing for me" I smile "I love you" I kiss him then he kisses me back and smiles "I love you too"

Ed leans on the edge of the desk "So did you say anything to Malia about the doll?" I turn to him "I did I think she was a little worried something will happen but if something does happen she can talk to us" he smiles "You're so kind Lorraine just making sure they know that it's ok if anything does happen and that they can talk to us" I smile as I clean down the black board "We should go home we haven't seen Judy all day" he steps away from the table and puts his hand out for me to take and I take his hand in mine and we walk out to the car he gets into the driver seat I get into the passengers and he drives home.


We get home and go inside to see Judy sitting with her babysitter doing her home work she turns to face up jumps out of her seat and runs towards us "Mom, Dad!" she embraces me in a hug "Hi sweetie" then she hugs Ed too he smiles "Hey sunshine" he kisses her forehead "Mary Ellen thank you for looking after Judy" she smiles "No problem" Ed nods "Lorraine and I will drop the money off at your house tomorrow morning" Mary Ellen smiles "Alright well I should be going bye Judy bye Mr and Mrs Warren"  Judy smiles brightly "Bye!" she closes the door and walks into the kitchen to keep doing her homework Ed and I walk in behind her "Judy, Grandma rang me earlier and wanted to know if you wanted to have a sleepover at her house tomorrow night" she looks at me with a big grin on her face "A sleepover in Grandma's!" I smile and nod "She said it was ok because tomorrow is Friday and she'll pick you up from school" her face brightens "I cant wait could I go and pack my things now?" Ed nods as she quickly runs up to her room to start to pack I look at Ed "So what would you like for dinner?" he thinks
for a second "I'm not sure just make what ever you think is a good idea" he smiles and I nod "Alright how does lasagne sound?" he nods and kisses my forehead "It's always delicious when you make it" I smile warmly then walk to the fridge and the cupboards and take out the ingredients to start cooking.


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