Chapter 6

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6:00am Monday morning

I wake up and get dressed for classes I wasn't hungry this morning so I decided to skip breakfast I was to the bathroom brush my teeth and out to the living room where I can't find Annabelle I go to the kitchen and see her sitting on the counter I get a bit freak out and leave running down to the lecture room.

I walk in and sit down Mrs. Warren smiles "You're early" I nod "Yeah that doll is starting to freak me out a little" she looks at me worried then Mr. Warren "The raggedy Anne doll?" she asks me then I nod "I left her in my bedroom last night then found her in the kitchen this morning" Mr. Warren looks at me "None of your friends have a key to your dorm or anything do they?" I shake my head, they look at each other Mrs. Warren walks over do you mind if after class we can take a look at the doll?" I shake my head "Nope! I don't mind at all!" Mrs. Warren smiles "Alright just stay after class" I nod quickly

I look to the door and see Leah walk in with a friend? She has blonde hair and she's just about the same height as Leah they both walk over to me Leah smiles "Morning Malia!" I smile "Morning Leah!" she turns to the girl "Oh I should introduce you both Selah this is Malia, Malia this is Selah" I smile at Selah "Hi!" she smiles back "Hi" they both sit down and Leah takes a book out of her bag and reads it i'm surprised she's reading she never reads books so i'm shocked then I look at the cover and read "The Demonologist : The Extraordinary by Ed And Lorraine Warren" I see Mrs Warren smile as she can see the cover of the book "Leah so how do you like the book your reading?" Leah smiles brightly "I love it you and Mr. Warren are amazing writers" Mr. Warren smiles "Thank you Leah" her smile warms up "You're welcome!"

After around 5 minutes Olivia and Bella walk in they both look very very tired they walk some what slowly over to us then Mrs. Warren speaks up "You two look awfully tired" Olivia nods "Late night" then Bella speaks up "Very late night" Mrs. Warren smiles "Alright girls well take a seat.

Soon enough people are flooding into the room the lecture room is fairly full today then eventually the lights are turned off and Mr and Mrs. Warrens assistant Drew is getting a tape ready in the project Mr. Warren looks around the room "Maurice Theriault was a French-Canadian who lived in the country side of Romania with a 3rd Grade education he had helped Father Burke and Sister Irene get into the church where a nun had previously sacrificed herself. Sister Irene hadn't taken her vows yet so it wasn't the best her being there still the Vatican City insisted that she went with Father Burke to investigate. Maurice had helped and towards the end they all had thought they got rid of the demonic spirit but... it had gotten into Maurice he did realise then eventually we were sent out to investigate" Drew then starts to play the clips "Maurice has upside crosses showing on his body" Mr. Warren stops talking and let's us all watch the exorcism "Alright you can stop the tape Drew" Mr. Warren says as the clip shows Mrs. Warren fall to the floor, Drew nods and stops it Mrs. Warren looks around the room "Sadly Maurice died a few days later...." Mr. Warren takes over when he sees Mrs. Warren tear up "He tried
to kill his wife, but instead he shot her in the arm and turned the gun on himself.... Maurice had a very troubled life with little to live for and not even an exorcist could bring him back" I notice Mrs. Warren playing with the rosary beads in her hand.

After class it's lunch so I wait a little then walk up to Mr and Mrs Warren "Mr and Mrs. Warren could I meet you two back here in around an hour?" Mr. Warren nods "Yes of course we will just go get lunch while we're waiting" I nod and smile "Thank you" Mrs. Warren nods and smiles "No problem" I walk out quickly to catch up to Leah, Olivia, Bella and Selah "Hi girls!" Leah turns around "Hi Malia!" we keep walking Bella looks at us "So what did you think of that exorcism today" Olivia smiles "It was creeeppyyyy" Selah and Bella laugh I smile "It was weird did anyone see how Mrs. Warren was acting after watching it?" Leah nods I heard after they went home she locked herself in her bedroom for eight days she would talk to anyone eat or drink she didn't leave the room" I look at them "She has these type of visions and things like that she can see what's happened to people in the past and the future sometimes she knows when something wrong she can just tell so she might've had some sort of vision?" Bella nods "Probably it sounds scary though" we all walk into the cafeteria and see Audrey and Julia sitting at a table waiting for us we walk over and sit down "Hi Leah, Bella, Malia, Olivia and Selah!" Selah smiles "Hi Audrey, hi Julia" Leah turns to Selah "You know them?" Selah nods "We were in high school together" Julia nods

We all get food and sit back down together and eat after we eat and talk for a little I check the time on my watch "Oh i've gotta go Mr and Mrs . Warren are going to take a look at that doll of mine bye!" yet for another time together they say in sync "Bye!!" I smile and smile and walk to the lecture room and walk in


I turn to the door and see Malia walk in I smile "Hello Malia" she smiles "Hello Mrs. Warren" she looks at us "I think we should go
to my dorm" Ed nods "Lead the way" we walk out of the classroom and start walking to her dorm I get an eerie feeling but we keep walking. Malia takes out a key and opens the door and walks in she smiles "Come in!" Ed and I walk in "You can sit on the couch I just need to get the doll" Malia runs to her room me and Ed and sit down then she comes out with the doll "It's only moved twice but I found this with her" she hands us a piece of paper that says "miss me?" I look at Ed then at the doll "Where did you get the doll Malia?" she looks at me "I got it in an arts and crafts store down the street" Ed nods Malia look at us "Do you think someone could've let a spirit into the doll?" I look at her "Well if a spirit id probably say an inhuman spirit" Malia looks down "I did talk to someone about it I never thought about talking to you two they said a little girl named Annabelle Higgins died close to here she was lonely and wanted a friend and there's a chance they let her into the doll" I shake my head "Malia human spirits can't do that" Ed takes over "Only inhuman spirits can the inhuman spirit as posing as a little girl to get into the doll they don't want to be your friend Malia it wants to take your soul..." Malia goes pale I look at her "The doll hasn't done much so we aren't completely sure if the person you saw is telling the truth but what you could do for us is write down things the doll does" Malia nods I look at the doll "I do get an awfully weird feeling from the doll but we just need you to keep an eye on the doll" Ed nods Malia stands up then moves the doll "I have an empty notebook I can't write it into" I smile and nod "Thank you Malia. Now I think we should go now" Ed nods "Yes Malia thank you" she nods and opens the door I put on my gloves "We will see you in the lecture room tomorrow" Malia smiles "Yes thank you for helping me" Ed smiles "No problem kid" I smile and Ed we walk out "Bye!" we say walking away "Bye!" Malia replies. We keep walking and go to the car and go home.


I hear the door open and look over quickly and smile it's Mom and Dad I jump up and run over "Mom, Dad!" I hug them both Dad smiles "Hey sunshine" Mom hugs me "Hi sweetie! How was school?" my smile lightens "Anthony Rios keeps picking on me..." Dad looks at me "Well he's a little ass-" Mom shoots Dad a look then he continues "Sssssss I like to call him a very mean boy" I giggle knowing what he was really going to say Mom smiles "How come he is picking on you?" I shrug acting like I don't know Dad smiles "Alright well are you hungry?" I nod Mom smiles "How about spaghetti for dinner tonight?" I smile and nod quickly Mom nods "Alright"



"Judy time for bed!" she runs into her room where I'm waiting for her I smile "Do you want me to put your hair into braids?" she nods "Yeah!" I laugh a little "Alright" I sit
on her bed then pat it for her to sit down and she sits in front of me and I start brushing her hair "So are there any boys you like?" she gasps "Mom!!" I laugh "What you're 11 now are there any boys that might like you" she shrugs and
mumbles "I'm not sure" Ed is standing at the door "No boys are good enough for my Judy" Judy giggles and I smile and finish her braids "Done!" she smiles and hugs me "Thank you" I hug her and kiss her forehead "You're welcome now time for bed" I stand up and turn on her light that projects onto the wall she quickly gets into bed and lays down and Ed tucks
her in "Good night sunshine" Judy smiles "Night Dad" I walk over and kiss her
forehead "Night sweetie" she hugs me "Night Mom" I hug her then walk towards her door "Now get some sleep" I turn off her light and close the door.


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