Back to college we go

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I sigh walking downstairs with my bags getting ready to go back to college I hugged my mom, dad and little brothers trying not to cry at the fact that I won't be able to see them until spring break now

My Mom smiled "Don't forget to call us when you get back"

I smiled back at her "I promise I won't and I'll be back for spring break"


I get on the train and off I go back to Connecticut I take my book out of my bag and flip to the page I finished on then I look at the page in terror, the page has "miss me?" written all over it I flip through the rest of the pages to see it written on them too I started freaking out and just put my book away and I took a nap

I woke up when the train stopped got up grabbed my bags and got off to see Leah and Bella I smiled "Leah! Bella!

Leah smiled and hugged me "Hi Malia!"

Bella hugged me too "Hi!"

I look at them "How was Christmas??"

Leah smiles "It was good"

Bella nodded "Yeah it was good how was your Christmas"

I shrug "It was ok I found Annabelle in my suitcase so I freaked out but I hope Mr and Mrs Warren can help me get rid of this doll because it's just getting worse"

We all caught up while walking back to campus

I hear footsteps behind us then someone tapped my shoulder I turned around and saw Olivia. I gasp and smiled "Olivia!!" I hugged her

She giggled "Hi!!" she hugs Leah and Bella

Leah smiled "Why don't we go back to Malia's dorm and have some hot cocoa

Olivia smiles "That's a good idea let's go!"


We are sitting on the couch drinking our hot chocolate when I hear something move in my bedroom I sit up and run to my room

Leah, Bella and Olivia jump up following behind me

I go into my room and gasp

They run in

"Oh my god" I turn around looking at them

Leah gasps "Who did this?!"

Olivia walks over to my bed looking at the pieces of glass from the mirror that was on my wall

I slowly started to back out panicking and shaking

Bella "Malia calm down tomorrow is Monday we have class talk to Mr and Mrs Warren"

I nod quickly walking back to the living room

Olivia picks up the doll looking at it then put it back on the bed waking out of the room



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