Chapter 26: No way

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The morning started off with the steady beep of Gibb's phone. He must've fallen asleep on the couch again. Opening my eyes slowly I realized I had been right. There he lay, one hand resting under his neck and the other over his stomach. Gibbs's phone beeped over and over, like an annoying truck backing up from New York all the way to California. Peanut was still snuggled into my side, using some of my long fur as a blanket. I didn't want to wake up the poor thing, but the beeping wouldn't stop.

I swear this agent is becoming deafer and deafer each day. I took a chance and slowly stood up. I watched as Peanut rolled into the middle of the bed, like he normally does, falling back to sleep. I padded away from the bed and around the coffee table. Taking a stand right in front of the old man's face. I searched his sleeping body with my eyes, to find his phone. I looked in his hands, nothing. I looked at his pockets, nothing.

Finally, I had lost my patience. I lifted my head forward and licked the side of Gibbs's face. The agent immediately opened his piercing blue eyes, like a shot had just rang out amongst the room. He sat up, looking around the area, trying to remember where he was. I sat down and cocked my head, waiting for him to realize he was on the couch. Gibbs let out a sigh, rubbing his eyes of his sleepiness.

"Are you hungry now?" he asked, tiredly, as he turned his attention toward me.

"No, I'm annoyed" I huffed back. Now that Gibbs had sat up I could see the phone. The poor flip device was laid upon all night and now squished between the couch cushions. I nudged my nose into the cushions, prying the phone free. Without the cushions concealing the noise, it was much louder now and Gibb's could hear it ringing.

Gibbs snatched the phone off of the cushion and squinted his eyes at the caller ID.

"Please don't try to read it" I whined. "We both know your blind".

The man gave up on his eyes and flipped the phone open with a greeting of, " What, DiNozzo?".

I rolled my eyes and headed away from the conversation and into the kitchen. I spotted the water bowl and trotted over to it. For some reason I had cotton mouth really bad, I hadn't noticed it until now though. I lapped up a few of the liquids, wondering what I would be doing today if I wasn't allowed on the team. I keened my ears back to Gibbs's voice, listening in on any keywords.

"What? No, Tony I wasn't aware" Gibbs spoke sternly. I turned my head toward the living room, keeping my stance at the water bowl firm. "No! make sure they don't touch anything!" he yelled, before slamming the phone shut. I heard the squeaky springs of the couch, as Gibbs stood up. I trotted into the living room's arch way, sensing that he was stressed out. The yelling had woken Peanut up and now he was shivering slightly on the bed.

"We're gonna have to skip breakfast" Gibbs stated, as he grabbed his keys and started toward the door. "Let's go to work guys".

I barked happily, and ran through the living room past Peanut and to the opening door. The little Chihuahua was following quickly in my stead, his little nails tapping on the hard wood floors. I ran to the Charger and pranced just outside of the passenger side. Gibbs was speedy this morning as well, he flew to the passenger side picking Peanut up on his way. He opened the door and let me jump inside before putting Peanut in the same seat as me.

"Is he okay?" Peanut asked, just as Gibbs slammed the door.

"I think something is happening at work" I replied, watching him round the front of the car. Gibbs was pulling out before he even had his seat belt on. Sometimes I felt bad for the car, it's been through a lot.

We arrived at the Federal building within minutes. On our way I had to grab Peanut's scruff whenever we turned a corner, just to make sure he wouldn't fall off the seat. As we followed Gibbs inside the building, I kept looking back to make sure Peanut was keeping up with his tiny legs. When we hopped into the elevator I could feel the air tensing with each level we passed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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