Chapter 4: Crime Scene (Has been Revised)

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Gibbs gave me a hard stare and then crossed his arms in front of his torso. I took another step toward him and felt energy rise throughout my body.

"Hey! I helped you" he said harshly. "You owe me" he added more softly. I stopped growling and stared at him. He turned his back and pulled another bowl out of the cupboard. I watched from the living room as he filled it with cereal. Gibbs placed the bowl onto the floor and skidded it to me. I didn't hesitate, I dove right into the bowl and gobbled it up. I looked at him and barked. Letting him know that I was done. I pushed the bowl back over to him with my nose and sat down.

Gibbs grabbed the bowl and checked his watch.

"We're gonna be late if we don't leave now" he said as he quickly put everything back. He walked past me and grabbed his gun from a safe in the living room. Then he grabbed his long coat off the coat hanger along with the black leash he had been given.

"Come" he commanded. I raised an eye brow and sneezed, giving my head a shake.

"We don't have time for this, let's go!" He said urgently. I sensed his heart rate rising so I trotted over to him and let him hook the leash onto my collar. We headed out to the car and he opened the door for me. I hopped in without being told and waited for him to join me. Gibbs got in and we pulled out of the driveway.


When the elevator opened I was greeted with the strong smell of Cooper. I rolled my eyes and followed Gibbs into the bullpen. I passed Cooper who was lying next to Ziva. When he smelled me he sat up and smiled at me.

"He's still alive, I'm impressed" he stated.

I ignored him and followed Gibbs to his desk. He took a seat in his chair, as I plopped down onto the floor.

"So how was everyones first night" Director Vance asked as he leaned over the balcony on the top floor, staring down at the agents below.

"Great! Cooper was excellent. He slept through the night like a baby" Ziva replied, as she patted Coopers head. Vance smiled and then looked to Gibbs. Gibbs ignored his comment and kept on working.

"Gibbs?" Vance asked. Gibbs reluctantly looked up and let out a sigh.

"Well besides the fact that she wouldn't let me near my basement and growled at me every three seconds it was fine" he said sarcastically. Vance nodded and headed back to his office. Gibbs looked down at me and furrowed his eyebrows. He must've been thinking about something because he got up and walked out of the bullpen. I didn't know what I was supposed to do so I stood up and followed him, letting the leash trail behind me pathetically. Out of everyone here, I felt more comfortable being next to him.

We went upstairs and into Director Vance's office. His secretary stood up fast and ran to the door blocking our way. I looked at her curiously, tilting my head as she smiled.

"Is the director in Mel?" Gibbs asked, unamused

"Yes Agent Gibbs" she replied. Gibbs stepped to the other side of her and tried for the door again. Mel moved in front of him with another big grin.

"But he is currently not seeing anyone" she added.


"Yes Leroy?"

"Move" Gibbs said as nicely as possible. She knew he was going to see the director either way so she moved to the side. Gibbs opened the door and I followed him inside, giving the woman a dirty look. The director was sitting at his desk currently speaking on the phone.

"Yes sir, No sir, I-" he spoke, before he saw us. "I understand. It won't happen again, thank you sir" he hung up the phone.

"When are you going to start treating my door like an actual door?" He asked Gibbs as he stood up from his chair. Gibbs smirked and sat down In one of the chairs that surrounded a large table.

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