Chapter 8: Into the night (Has been Revised)

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I waited for Gibbs to go to bed and then I started. First with the couch cushions, I ripped them to shreds and threw them to the ground. Then I grabbed the T.V remote and chewed it in half. No more black and white western movies for you buddy.

I trotted to the kitchen and opened the fridge by shoving my nose into the seal popping it open. I pulled everything out onto the floor. Once the milk had collided with the floor it burst open and spilled everywhere. The liquid spread so fast, it ended up getting my paws wet. I grabbed packages of hot dogs off of the floor and tore the plastic off of them. I was a little bit hungry and I could use a midnight snack. I gobbled a few weiners, before moving onto the next thing to destroy. I spotted Gibb's newspaper he had yet to read sitting on top of the table.

I grinned and headed toward it. Jumping up, I placed my two front paws onto the wooden table and snatched the paper. I fell back to the floor and shook my head, my teeth sunk into the paper. I started to drool, My saliva made the paper weak and easier to rip apart. I set it on the ground and placed a paw over it, holding it in place I bent my head down and began ripping it to my satisfaction.

Now all I have to do is was get this collar off. I looked around for anything I could use, but nothing was within eye level. So I did the most reasonable thing and jumped onto the table, causing a few dishes that still resided their to clatter and fall, breaking onto the floor. This view was much better, though I didn't have much time to look around. I knew that noise would have woken up Gibbs. And Just as I had suspected I heard the fast hard footsteps of his feet plundering down the stairs.

I forgot about the collar and jumped back to the ground. I ran toward the back door, I pounced onto the door handle, using my paw to open bring the handle down. It creaked open a bit, I landed back onto the floor and pushed my nose through the crack widening it. Once the door was open at it's full length I bolted outside and towards the woods, just as gibbs yelled my name from the kitchen. I snickered and kept running. I felt a slight pain go through my neck once, but I must have been so far out of range that the collar had stopped working.

(Gibbs's POV)

I watched as Rogue disappeared into the black night. I clicked the damn remote,but it wasn't working. I threw it down onto the floor and stomped on it.

"I hate technology" I grumbled to myself as I flipped my phone open and dialed Ducky's number.

"Hello?" his strong British voice answered.

"Hey duck" I sighed into the phone.

"Jethro? Dear god what are you calling me about this early in the morning?" he asked, confused.

"Rogue, she got upset and tore up the house then ran out the back door. Before I could press the damn button thing she was out of range" I informed him, still looking out my back door and towards the woods.

"Oh, dear. Well at least it has a tracker built into it" Ducky sighed, in relief.

"Her collar has a tracker in it?" I asked amazed.

"Ya, just call Mcgee and he should be able to help you" Ducky assured me.

"Alright thanks Duck"

I hung up the phone. Then called McGee, he said he would be over in ten. Hopefully he can find her before she gets hurt or worse, has one of her PTSD episodes.

(Rogues POV)

Finally I was free. No more mean looks from Cooper or sideway glances from the team. I was in charge of me now and only me. I slowed to a jog and soon to a walk. Taking in the scenery of the woods surrounding me. I had been running for so long that I could start to see the sunrise over the treetops. The chilly night air was soon replaced by a warm blanket of light.

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