Chapter 10:The Basement (Has been Revised)

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No.....No...No, no that smell. That rotting smell, a mixture of mold and dried blood. I fluttered my eyes open, my head instantly throbbing. I rapidly got to my feet, my back hit something, making it impossible to stand at my full length. I wasn't good with cramped spaces not to mention, I couldn't see an. Everything was black, I shuddered in fear. The familiar sound of water dripping from a broken pipe and the scuffle of rats on the moldy concrete. The Basement....I was back in the basement. The very place I had escaped from, only to be thrown back into it.

I shook off, trying to regain my composure. I tried to maneuver around, but whatever I was in, was enclosed on all sides. It rattled as I kept pushing against the sides, I had to get out before I had a panic attack or worse. The noise I was making must've alerted something in the dark. Off in the distance a door opened and slammed shut. I stopped moving and backed up until my rump hit the back of the enclosed box.

"Well look who's awake" A deep raspy voice spoke out. There was a slight buzz, followed by light. The place illuminated so quickly, my eyes barely had time to adjust. I made out my surroundings as fast as possible. I was in a metal crate, instead of walls, it had bars with large slits in between them. I spotted David by the basement door, holding a rod in his hand. One end of the metal rod had a sharp tip attached to it. David twirled the rod admiring the glistening tip, before he spoke again.

"You tore half my men to shreds Rogue"

He swung the rod and smashed it against a water pipe creating a loud bang. I jumped and cowered lowly to the ground.

"And then, decided to run off and join the cops" He stated, with an amused chuckle. David strided over to the crate and knelt down by the door. "Bad dog" he whispered, giving me a death glare. My heart rate rose rapidly, I trembled underneath his mercy. He stood up and jabbed the metal rod into the crate through the bars. It collided with my side, puncturing into my flesh before it was drawn back. I let out a loud yelp, David smiled and held the rods tip up, admiring the red liquid that now incased it.

David smacked the top of the crate, letting his anger out. He then proceeded to kick it and scream at me. I growled lowly at his actions, which drove him even more crazy.

"Come on rogue!" He yelled. He thrusted the rod back puncturing a whole into my shoulder blade. My head pounded and the fear that had gripped so tightly inside of me slowly slipping away.

'Stop' I growled lowly.

"Move!" David yelled, pulling the rod back and kicking the crate again.

'Stop' I barked quietly.

"Get your shit together!" He screamed.

'Enough!' I snarled as loud as I could. David stopped kicking the crate and smiled down at me.

"There she is" he said excitedly. " I thought I had lost you" he added, David reached his hand out and unlatched the door, whipping it open. "Get out" he ordered. I growled, barring my white teeth, I stayed at the back of the crate not budging. David grew impatient and reached into the crate, he grabbed my scruff and pulled me out. I yipped and snapped my jaws toward his arm, I hoping to grab onto something, but the only thing I got was a bunch of empty air. He laughed and threw me to the ground. I staggered with a growl.

"That's it rogue, show me what you are made of" he chuckled. I growled and lunged at him, Snapping my teeth in the air. He quickly moved and smacked me down with the rod.

"No!" He yelled. I snarled and snapped at the air once more. "Bite me and I'll remove your teeth one by one"

I growled viciously and lunged in his direction, he wasn't ready for the quick movement. So when he moved back startled, he ran into something. I barked and rose as high as I could, puffing my chest out, taking advantage of the situation. I pounded toward him, but this time he was ready. David coiled the rod back and whipped it forward. The rod collided with my head and knocked me over.

"Not bad" he stated. My vision blurred from the power of the impact. David walked over and grabbed my scruff, dragging me back to the crate. He threw me inside and latched it back.

"I think your ready" David grinned, giving the crate a light tap with his hand. I heard the door open and slam behind him as he left. I whined, my vision slowly coming back, I lifted my head slowly, but couldn't raise it all the way, without a sheering pain flowing through.. A low growl started in my throat. As anger raced through my veins. I could feel my old self slipping back, intoxicating my body and mind.

(Gibbs POV)

I made it back to my house and informed my Probie on what had happened.

"Are you sure it was David Smith?" Mcgee asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Do I look blind Mcgee!" I yelled at him agitated.

"No boss" he replied, quickly. I sighed and raised my hand trying to collect my thoughts.

"He spoke about a, ummm- a..... event" I finally spit out. "Next Saturday, find out where that is and wake Ziva and Tony" I ordered Mcgee before grabbing my car keys.

"Where are you going?" He asked rising up from the dining table.

"To work" I replied.

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