Chapter 11:Save me

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Hours perhaps days, I didn't know how long I had been in this cramped cage, but every once in awhile David, would come back to the basement. He rattled the cage and kicked it a few times to make me jump or growl. After his short arouse he would throw me a piece of raw meat. After I had eaten it then he would dump a water bottle over my head.

Finally, David entered the basement with a leash, muzzle and a spiked collar in his hands. He opened the metal door and took a step back.

"Move" he ordered. I stood up and shifted the weight on my paws. I didn't want to face him again, remembering what happened last time. My head still throbbed from time to time.

"I said move!" He yelled. I flinched, before slowly creeping out of the small crate. David growled, grabbing the back of my scruff. I yiped as he dragged me closer to him. "Your to slow, you piece of shit" he spoke.

He slid the new muzzle over the bridge of my nose and tightened it, back behind my ears. David ripped the collar Gibbs had given me and fastened the spiked one around my neck. Clipping on the leash he stood up to study his work.

He gave a slight not of approval, before turning and dragging me out of the basement and up the stairs, to another door. David reached for the handle and jarred it open, a huge cloud of weed hit my nose almost instantly. I sneezed at the smell, my throat closing a bit due to the lack of oxygen left in the air. David ignored me and dragged me through the door and into a hallway. I could hear men laughing and swearing at each other to the left

"I'm headed out boys, keep it down remember what happened last time!" David yelled down the narrow hallway. The laughing stopped and a man's head appeared in the walkway.

"Good luck boss" the man grinned from ear to ear. David chuckled and turned to the right, I reluctantly followed him, until we were outside. David's red pickup truck was sitting in the gravel driveway, with a crate tied down in the bed. Two men were leaning against the truck smoking a cigarette and having a conversation.

Once the men had spotted David standing by the front door, they quickly put out their cigarette's and unlatched the back of the truck.

"Ready to win big boss?" one of them asked as, we neared the back end.

"Oh ya, load her up!" He barked. The two men lifted me up and into the crate. David hopped into the truck and started the engine up. Once the men were sure the crate was lathed and properly secured, they hopped into the back seat of the truck. I could feel the engine roaring underneath my paws. In seconds we were off, I layed down onto the cold crate floor. So I wouldn't slide around as much.

I hate to say it,but I really miss Gibbs right now.

(Gibbs POV)
I had my team up for the last 48 hrs trying to find the location of tonight's event, but they still had nothing. I was worried, Irritated and down right frightened.

"Mcgee, whats today?" I asked, turning my chair toward him.

"Uhh, Saturday sir" he replied, confused.

"Have you found out where the event is taking place at?" I asked, rubbing my head with my rough hands. Mcgee shook his head and my other agents looked at me like a ticking time bomb that was about to blow.

"I've given you 48 hrs, McGee. 48! Are you telling me I need to find a new agent?" I yelled, angrily.

"N-no boss, I just can-" McGee stuttered.

"Can't do your job?" I asked, as I rose from my desk. "If that's the case then get the hell outta here!"

McGee didn't know what to do, he sat their ghost faced to scared to even blink. Tony cleared his throat and I glared over at him.

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