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Six years later

Hermione stood outside the red door with the other parents, she was the youngest there and made the other mothers look at her with their subtle judgements

But she didn't care what they thought

The door opened and the six year old children ran out and looked for their corresponding parents


Hermione's smile got ten times bigger when she knelt down and picked up a curly dirty blond boy with chocolate coloured eyes

"Scorpy!" She giggled

Scorpius Richard Granger scrunched his nose at his mothers nickname

"Mummy" he whined

"Scorpius" she whined back

They walked out of the fence hand in hand

"Oh!" Scorpius exclaimed "look!"

He opens his mouth and he had a gap instead of his right central incisor

"You lost your tooth?!" She exclaimed

Scorpius nodded eagerly and reached into his pocket before pulling out a small ziplock bag and handing it to her

"Mr. Donaldson saved it for you"

Hermione smiled brightly

"Oh I'm so proud of you my koala" she smiled softly

Scorpius giggled at the nickname

"Up!" He laughed

Hermione bent down and he wrapped his arms around her neck and she picked him up, he wrapped his short tiny legs around her waist and she carried him on her back

"Can we go to the park?" Scorpius asked

"You know the rules Scorpius, you do your homework first then we go to the park" she lectured

Scorpius sighed dramatically and Hermione rolled her eyes

They reached their small apartment and Hermione felt the wards shifted, she lowered Scorpius down and dug her hand into her pocket to grip her wand

"Stay behind me Scorpius" she ordered

Scorpius gripped her hand and cuddled into her leg

Hermione opened the door

"Hello Hermione, Scorpius"

"Grandma Cissy!" Scorpius exclaimed and ran to the older witch, Narcissa laughed and hugged her grandson

"My oh my my little Scorpion, you're getting so big" she said fondly

"I lost my tooth today!" Scorpius announced and showed her the empty space

"Oh you did!" Narcissa gasped

Scorpius looked at his mother who gave him a small smile

"Go to your room Scorpius" she ordered gently

"By grandma" Scorpius said before walking to his room

Hermione turned to the witch

"What can I do for you?" Hermione asked

"Well my request still stands"

"And the answer is still the same, no, I'm not moving Scorpius to London just so that Malfoy could ride in like he long lost father after everything he said to me" Hermione said and walked into the kitchen

"Scorpius is his son—"

"No" Hermione said and turned around "he is my son, I stayed up with him at three in the morning while he was crying his head off, I rushed him to the hospital when he got his appendix infected, I have kissed every scrap and wiped away every tear that my son had cried, Scorpius is my son" Hermione told the older witch "Malfoy is nothing but a sperm donor"

Narcissa raised her chin


"Malfoy told me he didn't want Scorpius, and that I should expect anything from him, to him, Scorpius doesn't exist, I am not moving my son back to the country where Draco Malfoy lives, his life is here, his friends are here, his school is here, he just won first place in the spelling bee, I am not moving my son back to the place where the boy who broke my heart lives, so I'm begging you Narcissa...stop asking me that..." Hermione begged softly

She wiped away a tear that had escaped

Narcissa walked up to the witch she had come to know and love, she cupped her cheeks gently and wiped away the tears

"You have done perfectly raising Scorpius, and I'm sorry for pressing" Narcissa whispered

Hermione nodded sadly

"You just want to see your grandson grow up" she whispered

Narcissa smiled and shook her head

"I want to see the two of you happy"

Hermione smiled weakly and nodded slowly

Narcissa pulled away and fixed her skirt

"I am throwing a charity gala for the orphaned in a few weeks, I would really appreciate if you would show, it's up to you Hermione, I will understand either way" Narcissa assured before walking towards the floo

"Narcissa?" Hermione called out, the older witch turned around

"I'll make the effort" Hermione whispered

Narcissa smiled softly and tilted her head in appreciation before stepping through the flames

Hermione composed herself and walked up to Scorpius's room, she saw him working at his desk and an old Crookshanks slept beside him, the orange cat had fallen in love immediately with Scorpius and followed him everywhere

She smiled and knelt beside his desk and he removed his reading glasses

"Is everything alright mummy?" He asked

Hermione smiled and cupped his cheek

"Everything is alright Scorpius, we just needed to talk about a few things"

Scorpius got up and hugged his mother

"Are you coming to the asembily—" he furrowed his eyebrows and exhaled slowly "—ashembily—"

"As-sem-bly" Hermione corrected softly

"As-sem-bly" Scorpius copied "tomorrow?" He asked

Hermione smiled and nodded

"I am my love" she confirmed

Scorpius smiled and kissed his mother's cheek

"Mummy, can you help me with this?" He asked and pointed to a math equation that he didn't understand

Hermione looked at the equation and did the math in her head

"What's forty take away thirteen?" She asked and began helping him with the question

She spent the next few hours helping her son with his homework

All the while thinking that maybe it was time for her to go home and show Scorpius the place where she came from

She didn't want to put Scorpius through the pain, she would do any for the little boy with chocolate coloured eyes that gave her a home

She kissed his forehead and fought the tears back

She would do anything for Scorpius, even if that meant putting herself through the heartbreak of seeing him again

Of seeing Draco again

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