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Hermione was in the market picking up some things to use in her pastries for Saturday

"Mummy, can we get some cotton candy?" Scorpius asked beside her

Hermione looked down at her son

"You didn't eat your breakfast today" she stated

"But I wasn't hungry" Scorpius whined

"No cotton candy"

"Mummy" Scorpius whined

"I said no" Hermione told him

"Mummy!" He stomped his foot


"Mummy!" He began stomping his feet

"Enough Scorpius" Hermione ordered

He grunted angrily and crossed his arms


"I want cotton candy!" He yelled

People began looking at them

"People are looking Scorpius" Hermione warned him

He started stomping his feet and started crying

"I. Want. Cotton. Candy!" He yelled

"I said no Scorpius!" She raised her voice

He threw himself on the floor and started throwing his mega tantrum

Hermione put her bags and down looked at her son

"Get off the floor"


"Get off the floor Scorpius Granger"


"Scorpius Richard Granger get off the floor now, we're going home" she ordered him


"You want to behave like that? Very well" Hermione said, she grabbed her things and walked away


Hermione continued walking away while Scorpius threw his tantrum, people walked past him and whispered to each other

She made sure to keep an eye on him at all times but she ignored his calls and yells

"I'll have...three bags of those" she told one of the workers, pointing to the stack of mixed apples

"That your son?" The worker asked

"Yes" Hermione said

"Where's his father?" They asked

"He doesn't have one" she told them

They said something under their breath and Hermione raised an eyebrow at them, she gave them the look she gave Scorpius to get something out of him

"If you're going to say something, don't mutter" she ordered

The worker coughed awkwardly and grabbed the three bags, they didn't say anything else


Hermione grabbed the three bags and put them into her basket

She walked to another stand


Hermione saw Draco and Teddy walking towards them

"Hello Malfoy, Teddy" she smiled, blushing slightly when she made eye contact with Draco, the memories of a few days prior came flooding in, his warmth still surrounded her

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