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Hermione walked to two matching grave stones

She knelt before them and placed a bouquet of flowers on each

"Hi mum" she whispered "hi dad"

She rubbed her belly

"I wish you were here...I wish you had gotten to meet Scorpius and now this baby...I wish...I wish I had saved you...I wish I hadn't sent you away...I miss you"

She broke down crying and covered her face

"I-I-I wish I...I wish I could—I wish I could see you...one last time"


Hermione shot up and turned to the sound

Her mother and father stood there, well...the ghost of her parents

"Mum?" Hermione whispered "dad?"

Jean Granger walked up to Hermione and hugged her, Hermione could swear she felt her mother's warmth and cried softly

"I'm so proud of you my love"

Hermione cried into her mother's shoulder

"I know your babies...I chose them to send to you...you're not alone my love...your father and I will always be here for you"

"We're so proud of you Hermione...we love you so much"

Hermione cried in happiness

They talked for hours, getting the closure the all needed


"We chose to stay here, waiting for you to come...we needed to say our goodbyes and needed to let you know that you are not in trouble"

Hermione sniffed

"You did the best thing you could Hermione, you were seventeen and forced to make a desperate decision, had it been us, had our roles been reversed we would have done the same thing...you fought a war that could have been avoided all because a madman lied and a manipulator forced children to fight a war, my baby girl...had I wished you would have come with us...I do, but if you had turned your back on everyone, it wouldn't have been you, I love you Hermione, we love you sweetheart, and we are so proud of what you have done" Jean explained

Hermione smiled tearfully

"We sent you two angels to let you know how that we will always be there for you"

Hermione hugged her parents

"Let us go, darling, live your life" Richard Granger whispered

Hermione stayed hugging until she felt her parents vanish in the wind, she hugged herself and let the mourning continue its process, Hermione has never felt so alone but so loved in her whole life, she sat by her parents grave until the sun began to set

She dusted herself off and apperated back to her home, she groaned softly and rubbed her swollen belly

She her due date was nearing and the Braxton Hicks were driving her up the wall

She could only wonder how it would be when she actually had her baby

She waddled to the nursery and jumped in surprise when she saw Narcissa on the rocking chair

"Merlins beard...is everything alright?" She asked worriedly

Narcissa stood up and nodded, she walked to Hermione and cupped her hands

"Lucius...he—I—we're...I'm leaving him"

Hermione's eyes widened

"But...but if you...if you leave Lucius...you'll risk losing your magic" Hermione whispered

"That is why I have given him an ultimatum, put away his prejudice ways, or lose me and everyone knows his dirty secrets" Narcissa explained

Hermione grasped Narcissa's hand and gave her a small squeeze

"It is very brave what you've done"

Narcissa cupped her cheek and Hermione grunted in pain

"Is everything alright?" Narcissa asked worriedly

"Y-Y-Yes, it's just Braxton Hicks contractions"

Hermione was able to breath and managed to stand straight

"Draco is in Scotland for the day, he's busy with professor McGonagall and adding the finishing touches before the new school year, I have found a small shop in Hogsmeade and I'll begin building it up once I have the baby, Teddy and Scorpius are with the Weasley's for the day, Harry is at Hogwarts with Draco to finish the living arrangements" Hermione explained

"If you're willing...will you allow me to give you a nanny elf?" Narcissa asked


"Before you reject the idea, she is a free elf, she cared for Draco and...well...she would really like to help care for the future heirs of Malfoy"

Hermione chewed on her lower lip

"Only while I am working in the shop and only during the school year, during breaks she takes a vacation and once this baby turns eleven, she can retire"

Narcissa nodded and stood

"I believe that she could agree to those terms"

"Very well then, I guess I could use the help now"

Narcissa grabbed a box and walked to Hermione

"What do you plan in doing today?"

"I was going to put the star constellations on the sky"

Narcissa smiled

"Then I will help my future daughter-in-law"

They worked in a comfortable silence, occasionally they would strike up a conversation and laugh about something silly

But then the Braxton Hicks contractions started coming along faster

Hermione was leaning on the wall and trying to catch her breath, another moan of pain broke from her lips as she gripped her abdomen

"Come on" Narcissa ordered gently

Narcissa led Hermione to her shared bedroom and placed the young witch on the bed just as another wave coursed her veins

Hermione cried out in pain

"That's it, breath through the pain"

Hermione panted heavily as Narcissa scurried around the bedroom, Hermione heard the faucet running and water pooling in a bucket

Another wave passed and Hermione finally admitted that it may simply not be Braxton Hicks contractions

That and because her water broke

Narcissa came back into the main bedroom and placed the bucket on the floor beside her, she helped Hermione sit up and removed her clothes before putting her in a transfigured patient robes

"I will have to check your dilation"

Hermione opened her eyes and looked at her

"Don't worry, before I got married to Lucius I had studied to be a midwife, I was there when 'Meda had given birth to Nymphadora, I know what I'm doing" she assured

Hermione nodded before screaming out in pain

Hermione could faintly hear a patronus being summoned and furniture being moved

"That's it"

A sound of apperation was heard and a elf moved to her side

"Jolly is my name miss, lady Malfoy has assigned me to you, oh Jolly can't wait to serve future Lady Malfoy—" the elf squeaked

"Jolly I'm sure you can do that another day, as of right now, Hermione is in labour"

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