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The event was a dud

It was the fiftieth time Draco yawned into his hand before shaking his face to wake himself up

"Do these things get more boring each time?" Theodore Nott murmured beside him

A floating tray passed them and they both grabbed a glass of firewhiskey

They clinked their glasses and took another sip

"This thing is so boring, Lovegood owes me good" Blaise muttered when he walked up to them

Theo grimaced

"I don't need to know what you and Loony do behind a closed door"

"Like you and Pans are any better, you two don't even reach the bedroom before shagging"

"They've been that way since Hogwarts, how many times did we catch them shagging mid common room?" Draco asked

"Too many to count, not even on the couch like someone normal, didn't they shag against the glass?" Blaise asked

"The squid sure got some action" Draco sniggered

"Sod off the both of you" Theo spat

Draco saw his fiancée dancing with Teddy and Scorpius

He knew had made the right choice

He saw his smiling mother gliding through the crowd, greeting people and saying hello to the special welcomed

His father stood at the back of the room, a subtle sneer was planted on his face directed at Hermione

Draco squeezed the glass and slammed it on the bar

Causing his two friends to jump

"I'll be right back" he gritted out and stormed towards his father

He stood before his father, the man he had once held to great esteem now the gum on the sole of his shoe

"Outside now" he ordered

He stormed out of the ballroom and paced in the hallway

The familiar sound of his father's cane tapped on the wood

"What do you want Draco? You know it's rude to leave our guests waiting" Lucius sneered

"You will respect Hermione" Draco ordered "you will respect the future Lady Malfoy, whether you like it or not, I will marry Hermione Granger and she will carry my name"

Lucius walked towards his son

"I will never approve of that mud—"

Draco pinned him against the wall, he was now a head taller than his father and it seemed to do the trick at making his father silent

"She will be my wife, she is the mother of my children, the future heirs of the Malfoy Lineage, I will grow old with her and I love her" Draco spat "I don't care what you think, I don't care if you approve of her, your opinion means nothing to me anymore"

Draco shoved him away and fixed his tux

Lucius rolled his shoulders

"How dare you" Lucius spat and got into his sons face "I'm your father, you will respect me, I think it's time to teach you another lesson"

He raised his hand and was about to bring it down on Draco's cheek before his mother cried out


She lifted the hem of her dress and stormed to them, her heels clanged on the marble floor as she glared daggers at her husband

"Enough!" She yelled at him "don't you dare lay a hand on my son ever again!"

Lucius glared at his wife

"Maybe I should teach you manners, you're a disgrace of a wife, a pity, knowing that you were only put on this earth to bear children and you can't even do that right"

Narcissa felt her heart break in her chest, she occluded the memories away and rolled her shoulders back

"You will go into that party, you and Draco will stay away from each other, and then when we're done, you and I are going to have a talk" she said coldly

"How dare you—" Lucius began

"Please" Narcissa whispered "just go back into the ballroom"

It was as if Lucius was dowsed with cold water

He saw the sadness in his wife's eyes, a sadness that up until then, he would ignore and pretend it wasn't there

Now it was impossible to not see

Narcissa turned on her heel and took Draco by the wrist, she began walking away from the shell that had once been the love of her life

"I'll take the children!"

Draco and Narcissa stopped dead

Draco looked at his father

"What?" He whispered

"I'll take the children from the mudblood" Lucius promised "I have friends who will not care for the half-blood girl, she'll make a fine trinket" Lucius promised "granted she will never marry but at least she'll keep her master satisfied"

Draco felt sick

His father was willing to sell his own granddaughter to punish him

Draco was going to kill him

"You sick bastard!" Draco yelled "you—you—you're not taking my little girl away from me!"

He lunged but his mother glued him to the floor, he fought the spell as he glared murder at Lucius

"The boy will do for the next Malfoy heir, for now, that is until we find a proper witch to bear you a son" Lucius continued on, ignoring his son who was close to ripping him to shreds, his eyes were on his wife we were looking at him in disbelief

He wanted to hurt her

"Since the mudblood kept him from you Draco, we can build up our case and take the boy from her, and raise him the proper way" Lucius said

"Lucius—" Narcissa began to plea

"That mudblood has had the boy long enough, she has been weak and therefore he has become weak, he needs a firm hand and—"

Lucius would not lay a hand on Scorpius, Draco would be dead if his son or his daughter had to endure a life with the monster standing before him

There was a crash somewhere behind them and the three Malfoy's turn to see Hermione standing there

Glass littered her feet as a hand was placed protectively over her abdomen, her chest moved with quick, panicked breaths as she stood frozen in her spot

Hermione had heard the argument

"Hermione—" Narcissa began

Hermione snapped out her shock and stumbled back, she crashed into the wall and Lucius smirked as he made his way to the terrified witch

"My son will marry a pureblood witch, and you will be nothing but the mudblood whore who lied about his children only to get into the Malfoy's Vaults" he threatened "I'll take the boy, and I'll take the girl you carry, they'll forget you" Lucius sneered "you'll only be known as the pathetic mudblood whore to them"

Hermione spun on her heel and ran out of the hallway

"Go after her!" Narcissa yelled

The spell fell and Draco sprinted away, Lucius waved his wand and the carpet rolled under his feet, he fell to the floor and Draco felt his nose break again, Lucius brought his cane down into his back

Draco cried out and tried to scrabble away

"You will—"

Narcissa screamed and jumped onto Lucius's back, he tumbled away and Draco ran into the ballroom

He saw Hermione sprinting to Scorpius, shoving people who stood in the way to her destination


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