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"Marry me"

Hermione laid in her bed, her thoughts were in overdrive and she couldn't think straight

Her door opened and Harry walked in, he had a tub of ice cream, a tube of whipping cream, a bag of chocolate chips in his arms and a bottle of firewhiskey, he entered the room and placed the junk food on the bed

He turned on the television and found some cheesy chick flick before crawling into bed


"Ginny kicked me out of the room" Harry shrugged as he opened the ice cream

He pressed on the nozzle of the whipped cream and poured some whipped cream into his mouth

"That is unsanitary and disgusting" she grimaced

"Wouldn't be the first time we share food Hermione" he said with his mouth full

"That was in a different time—"

"Still did it"

She rolled her eyes and took the tube and poured some into her mouth

"How are you feeling?" Harry asked

"He asked me to marry him" she sighed


"And?" She repeated "and? I have a son, he has a son, we have a son...it's so complicated, what if—"

She began spiraling

She took a spoonful of ice cream as she continued rambling

"Hermione" Harry snapped

She stopped mid-spoonful


She inhaled for a long time before exhaling slowly

"Hermione...you only get this worked up whenever you have the answer but you don't like it, you know you want to say yes"

She sighed defeatedly

"What if this hurts Scorpius?" She whispered "and Teddy?"

"You don't have to say yes today and get married tomorrow, you can take your time, or you can say no but know where his intentions lay, he wants to be with you, he wants to be with you and Scorpius and Teddy, he wants to be a family" he whispered

She sighed and touched her naked ring finger

"Talk to Scorpius"

She looked at him

"You love him Hermione" he smiled "I want you to be happy and he will make you happy"

She smiled weakly

"And if he hurt you again, I get to punch him" Harry smirked

Hermione burst out laughing

"Oh Harry...how did I survive six years without you?" She whispered

"I should be asking you that Hermione, I'm surprised no dark wizard got resurrected and tried to kill me" he shrugged, "I think you're my bad luck charm"

Hermione burst out laughing and placed her head on his shoulder

"I've missed you Harry"

He kissed her hair and got comfortable in her bed

"Oh I haven't watched this one yet" he told her

"Watching a lot of chicks flicks Harry?" She teased

"It's either Disney movies or Chick flicks, you know the last time I ever saw some action was last week when one of my students blew up a textbook by accident"

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