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Hermione hated the morning sickness that came with being pregnant

She hurled everything into the bowl as she felt Draco walking towards her and knelt beside her

"I hate morning sickness" she mumbled as she placed her head on the ring

"Did you try morning sickness potions?" Draco asked her

"They didn't sit well with me" she mumbled "I'm a delicate pregnancy risk" she said

"Would you mind if I tried modifying the potion?" He asked

She opened her eyes and saw the concern in his eyes

"My pregnancy with Scorp...when I tried the taking the potion I almost had a miscarriage" she said

He settled down and summoned a notebook

"Tell me all your side effects and I'll see what I could do to try to change it"

She smiled and began telling everything that had happened, he would ask questions and she would explain

An hour passed before they moved back to their bedroom and Draco handed her a cup of water and a mint

She thanked him and settled in bed

"I'll start working on the potion" he assured

Hermione smiled

"I love you" she whispered

He kissed her nose

She giggled

The door creaked open and Scorpius along with Teddy walked in

"You okay mummy?" Scorpius asked

Both boys crawled into the bed and cuddled into Hermione

"It's like I don't exist" Draco mumbled as he looked at Teddy

Teddy giggled as he pushed himself closer into Hermione

He was taunting Draco and it was working

Draco stuck his tongue out at Teddy who laughed and tried to hide behind Hermione's arm

Scorpius kissed Hermione's belly and began telling their baby sibling about the dream he had

Hermione brushed Scorpius and Teddy's hairs as they started talking to her belly

Hermione turned to Draco who had a smile on his face

"Daddy will teach you how to play Quidditch!" Scorpius cheered

"Merlin please no" Hermione groaned "It's already bad that both my sons have now been corrupted by that sport, my daughter—"

"So you agree we'll be having a daughter?"

Hermione snapped her mouth shut

"We still don't—"

"It's a girl" Draco stated

Hermione rolled her eyes

He was so adamant on the fact that it was a girl, she had decided to keep the gender of the baby a surprise

She had a feeling in her heart that it was a girl but she wouldn't let him have that satisfaction

Hermione's moment was short lived before she ran out of the bed and hurled everything into the toilet against

"Damn you Draco Malfoy!" Hermione sneered before another wave of nausea took over her

Draco chuckled as he got out of bed and walked towards her

"Teddy, can you go get your mum some water?" Draco asked

Teddy nodded and left the bedroom

Scorpius tilted his head while he observed what his father was doing with his mother, he had never seen his mother being cared for like that

He watched as his father brushed the hair away from his mother's face and cleaned off her face with a moist towel, he watched as his mother smiled softly as she leaned into his father's touch

"What are you looking at?" Teddy asked as he held a glass of water

Scorpius pointed to the bathroom and Teddy saw his dad kissing his mums—

He still couldn't believe he finally had a Mum again

—On the forehead, she hummed contently

Both boys watched as their father helped their mother stand up and led her back to the bed, Teddy and Scorpius made room for their mother to crawl back into the bed

"Can we just lay in bed?" Scorpius asked

Hermione chuckled as she brushed his hair

"Do all of you want to lay in bed?" Hermione asked them

Draco joined and placed his head on her thighs

"Okay...let's have a lazy day"


Hermione woke up in a lonely bed, she reached for her fiancé but he wasn't there

Neither were their sons

She grabbed the hoodie off the floor and padded out of the bedroom, she leaned and looked into the living room where Draco was sitting with Teddy and Scorpius, the telly was playing and both boys were completely caught in the movie, Draco wasn't paying attention, he was smiling at his two sons who were on his lap, a look of love was clear on his face as he memorized every little aspect

How Scorpius scrunched his nose in thought and how Teddy would change his hair yellow before giggling at a joke

Cups of hot cocoa were on the coffee table as marshmallows littered over the magazines and books

The notebook was opened and many things were scribbled out or written over

Hermione brought a hand to her abdomen and rubbed small circles

"You're going to be so loved" she whispered softly "mama loves you already" she whispered "dada loves you...you're so loved darling"

She made her way back into the bedroom and removed her sweater, she looked into the mirror and saw her slightly swollen abdomen

"I love you so much darling" she whispered softly

The floor board creaked and Draco walked in

"Everything alright?"

Draco walked up to her and stood beside her

She smiled softly at him, she memorized everything about him before pulling him down to a deep kiss

"Everything is perfect"

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