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Hermione sighed and dropped her head


"I don't want too!" Scorpius yelled

"You have to apologize to Dustin...you threw the first punch young man"

"He called me a fatherless toad!" Scorpius yelled

He started crying and hugged himself, Hermione dropped the back pack and ran to him, she pulled him into her chest and brushed his curls

"He's an idiot Scorpius...he's a jerk...but you threw the first punch Scorpius, and now you have to pay for his actions"

Scorpius sniffed into her shoulder

"Are you mad mummy?" Scorpius whispered

Hermione pulled him away from her

"No" she whispered "I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at him...I'm sorry Scorpius, I'm sorry you don't have a daddy to be here with you, I'm sorry" she apologized

Scorpius hugged her as tightly as he could with his tiny arms

"I have you mummy" he whispered

Hermione cried into his curls, she rubbed his back and kissed his forehead

"So are you single?"

"I beg your pardon?"

Hermione looked at the man standing beside her

"I don't see a wedding ring and you're pregnant, so are you?"

"Pregnant? Yes" hermione responded

"Married love, are you married?" He smirked

"I don't need to be married to have a child" she sneered and tried to walk away

"Your child needs a father, there's only so much a woman can do" they told her

Hermione spun and glared at them

"I will be a mother and a father for my child, I can do everything I put my mind too and I will be the best parent my child will have!" she yelled

People looked at her and began whispering to themselves

"I will be good enough for my child" she said and walked away

She entered an alleyway and sobbed softly, she held her five month abdomen with one hand and the other she covered her mouth

"I think you will be an excellent mother"

Hermione looked up and saw an dark skinned older lady smile at her

Hermione sniffed and wiped her eyes

"I'm sorry about my outburst" she whispered

The older lady cupped her cheek

"Baby, never apologize about being a mama bear, being a single mama is hard sweetheart, but when you fight for your baby, the struggle is nothing"

Hermione cried softly

"Promise me that, baby, promise that you'll fight to give your baby a good life"

Hermione looked at this lady, she didn't know who she was but the care she was talking to Hermione made Hermione nod, in that moment Hermione made a big discovery, there would be people who would do everything to push you down but there would also be people who would do everything to lift you up

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