Chapter 20. In the park.

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  "I can't believe we did this, close the trunk." I whispered to Luca, who had dragged Tyler and thrown him into the vehicle.

"Now we act casual." I mumbled trying not to think about what Ryder would do if he saw this.

Luca frowned. "Act casual?"

I nodded. "Just act like you didn't kidnap someone. Tyler was never here."

Luca nodded and placed a hand on my cheek. I froze as the feeling of his warm hand surprised. "Luca?"

He blinked and pulled back turning away from me staring at his hand. "I'll go find Kealan."

I nodded even though he had his back turned. "Alright, try not to freak him out too much."

As Luca ran off to who knows where, I looked around relaxing. Then I recalled that we were still in the middle of a game of hide and seek.

I pursed my lips and did a one eighty. Now that I had walked back to the vehicle, I actually didn't remember the way to the small park since we had hiked up a pretty long trail to get there.

Luca is also no where in sight.

"Uhm," I paused and sat down in the grass considering my options.

1. Go back, and defiantly get lost in the process.

2. Stay here and cry of boredom, then claim it as a genius hiding spot.

3. Climb into the trunk with Tyler.

4. Walk around aimlessly-

"Excuse me, are you lost?" A voice interrupted my very important thoughts.

I looked up ready to cuss whoever it was out, then froze. Blond hair. Light grey eyes. Scar across the bottom lip. I knew this person.

Phoenix's right hand man, Andrew. I stared at him, fingers shaking. He didn't recognize me, how he didn't, I don't know.

Why do all these gang members keep coming to parks?! Just leave me alone -

Wait. What if Tyler is here, because Owen is.

What if Owen is meeting Phoenix?

I jumped to my feet and dashed away from Andrew back towards the park without a second glance.

"Uh, yeah. Stranger danger. Good trait." Andrew muttered.

I ran into the park and looked around. Seeing
Kealan, Luca, and Colten talking I ran over and grabbed Kealan's arm.


"He's here!" I told him pale and shaken. "He's at the park, I know it." I whispered looking into his deep green eyes.

Kealan instantly lifted his head and looked around before reaching into his pocket. I stood still as he gently pulled my hair up and slid a hat on my head.

"Colten, go find Ryder, tell him it's an emergency."

"He's in a tree. The big one by the water fountain." Luca added helpfully.

"Luca, give me your jacket." Kealan ordered next, and surprisingly Luca gave it up without another word.

Kealan draped it over my shoulders and tucked me into his side. Luca stared at me as I pressed my face into Kealan's shirt.

"What's going on?" I looked up at Ryder's voice, slightly surprised to see everyone else had gathered up to.

"Someone who hurt November in the past is here." Kealan supplied.

Ryder glanced at me then almost seemed to glare at Kealan. "And she told you all about this?" His voice was cold. What is he jealous or something? I thought sarcastically.

"Yes. She did." Kealan said simply. Jax blinked and looked around.

"So... we're going to leave?" He asked curiously. Ryder looked at me for a long moment.

"Fine. Let's go."

I sighed in relief and the nine of us walked back. Keykey, blissfully unaware of the tension, skipped happily beside Ryder.

Time seemed to go by achingly slow as we walked up the gravel hill towards the oddly fancy cars in the empty park. My breath seized in my throat as I noticed red hair.

Phoenix. He's really here.

I stopped moving and stared as he laughed at something Andrew said. His fist moved to his lips to stifle the noise. The fist that used to hit me.

I didn't realize I had stopped until Kealan squeezed my hand sharply. I winced and nearly collapsed as I realized we were going to pass them.

Ryder and everyone glanced back at me as a whimper left my lips. Kealan muttered a soft 'fuck' under his lips before turning my face away from Phoenix.

"November, I'm not going to let him notice you, so please calm down." He whispered.

As Phoenix and Andrew passed by, his eyes drifted over the crowd. In my panic, I turned Kealan's face over mine and kissed him.

I squeezed my eyes closed and exhaled sharply over his mouth. Kealan had frozen as Phoenix and Andrew walked passed, and it felt like eternity until Kealan pulled back.

The guys- and Keykey- stared at Kealan and I. My hands touched my cheeks and I was stunned to feel wetness. Don't tell me I'm crying over that bastard?!

A hand wrapped around my upper arm and I jerked sideways as Ryder grabbed me. "November, we need to talk."

I pulled on the grip on my arm. "Hey pall, hands off the merchandise -"

My back was suddenly slammed into the side of his car as the others walked past sighing at Ryder's... whatever this was. Being Possessive? Jealous? Protective? Hell if I knew.

Ryder bent down and I looked to the side avoiding eye contact as he hands held my sides.

"Want to tell me who the hell carrot top was?"

My lower lip trembled. "I'd make another Suddenly A Kitten reference, but I'm pretty sure you're pissed at me."

Ryder narrowed his eyes at me. "You're my girl, so whoever that was can -"

"He's a gang leader. He used to claim to be my boyfriend." I said slowly blinking hard.

Ryder paused. "So then killing him wouldn't be out of the question." He glanced down at me. I shook my head.

"No, it wouldn't be."

Ryder nodded. "Glad to see we're on the same page. Now... about that kiss..."

I swallowed as Ryder stared at me for a good long time. He pulled back and grabbed his keys from his pocket. "Never mind."

Never mind? Did I hear that right?

Did Ryder Knight just say never mind?

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