Chapter 38. All together.

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  Owen silently handed me a phone, and I placed it to my ear. "Ryder?" I called his name happily.

"November, are you okay?" His voice was calm, too calm. I gulped.

"Perfectly fine!" Crap, pretty sure I squeaked. There was a long dark pause.

"And Tyler?"

I glanced over at Tyler. His chest was moving up and down quickly, cheeks flushed with the fever.

"He's sick, has been for the last day or two. Other than that, he's mostly fine." Another long pause that made me shift nervously.

"What do you mean, mostly fine?" His voice had dropped an octave, and it was terrifying.

"You know Tyler, past trauma is a bitch." I said uneasily. For a moment Ryder didn't speak, and then,

"Give the phone to Owen." I pulled the phone from my ear and held it out. Owen took it seeming surprised and placed it to his ear.

"Yes- don't yell at me Ryder!" Owen snapped walking out of the room. I stood and stretched.

Everything was going to be okay.


  "Just don't sneeze on me." Colten whined as he was forced to sit next to Tyler at dinner that very evening.

Tyler glanced at him sniffing. "Bitch, when I sneeze, I'm aiming at Owen,"

Owen looked amused and uncomfortable at sitting there at the table. "Good to know."

I laughed and reached for Ryder's hand under the table. He took it and squeezed. I looked at all my guys sitting at the table and giggled. "It feels like just yesterday I was brought here as a tutor."

Jax nodded shortly. "Mhm," his mouth was currently too full for a good response. I pointed at Alex.

"Then I met you, and you brought me back."

Alex smiled. "Guilty."

I pointed a thumb at Kealan. "He's the only one who knew I was a girl, I still laugh at that."

Kealan shrugged. "They're all blind I swear."

I moved on. "Colten was loud and obnoxious."

Colten snorted. "Still am, always will be. Even as a ghost."

"Tyler bit a hole in my neck."

Tyler looked up and sniffed dramatically. "I did, still don't regret it."

I glanced at Owen. "You scared the shit out of me, still kinda do, but so does Ryder."

Ryder looked at me offended. "Seriously little hero?"

I batted my eyelashes. "Yes, Mr. Maria boss sir?"

Ryder scoffed and looked away. I smiled at Luca. "You kidnapped me."

Luca blushed. "Stop, you're embarrassing me."

I smiled sweetly at Lennon. "You are in a much better state now." He smiled back.

"Yup." I didn't miss that he and Alex were holding hands under the table.

"I am so happy to be here." I announced and relaxed into my seat.

Keykey raised her hand. "Me! Me also!"

I reached over and ruffled her hair. "You too pumpkin."

She giggled.

A server brought out another dish, and set It on the table. Owen leaned forward. "Fish, I'll -"

"Bento!" Luca screamed grabbing the dish.

Kealan blinked. "Who the fuck is Bento?"

Luca sniffed. "My poor baby fish..."

Colten winced. "Buddy, Bento was a goldfish, that's a salmon."

Luca's eyes got wide. "How dare you say goldfish in this house?! Bento was a fish! He wasn't metal!"

Kealan slapped a hand over his face, and Owen and Ryder coughed into their fists.

"Luca baby, this isn't Bento." I said wincing. Luca stared at me.

"Oh..." Luca set the dish down. Alex reached out to grab a piece, and Luca smacked his hand with a spoon. "Fish are friends! Not food, are you stupid?!" Luca demanded.

Alex was trying hard not to laugh, I could tell. "Uh, my bad."

I cleared my throat, and for a moment it was silent.

"It only took November rocking all our worlds to get here." Tyler muttered looking at his brothers before he pointed at Colten. "Let's have some mind blowing sex soon."

Colten choked on his water. "T-the fuck?!" He shouted.

Tyler looked at him. "What? Essie said we might not be related at all, due to our supposed mother's just kidnapping kids when their own died, so, let's have sex."

Colten waved his arms around. "How, did you come to that conclusion?!"

Tyler blinked. "I want to fuck you Colten, it's not complicated. Don't think too hard on it."

Colten flushed. "We could be related!"

Tyler growled. "I don't see the problem here!"

I covered my mouth as I laughed.

"I'M NOT HAVING SEX WITH YOU!" Colten yelled.

Tyler stood. "You didn't seem to have a problem doing it when I wanted to ride the fucking giraffes!" Tyler yelled back.

"What the actual fuck are you talking about?" Colten demanded before standing as well. Tyler huffed.

Colten pointed out of the room. "I'm gonna shower."

Alex raised an eyebrow. "You do that."

Colten stormed out, and Lennon burst out laughing. Alex, seeing Lennon laughing, did the same. Soon all of us were laughing but Tyler, who was fuming.

"I'm going to go join him in that shower." Tyler announced.

Ryder glanced up. "Fine, but consent is sexy."

Tyler looked peeved but nodded. A few minutes ticked back and we were all silent.


I choked.

Kealan looked green.

Alex paused. "Ah?"

Lennon shook his head. "It was more like, ahhh~"

Ryder pointed a finger at Lennon. "No moaning at the table."

Lennon saluted quickly and went back to his food.

Luca raised his hand. "Can I go join in? I'll be good, promise."

I nodded. "Go ahead."

Kealan swallowed. "Y'all are freaks."

Ryder glanced at him, lips twitching. "Did you want to join in too?"

"God no." Kealan said quickly.

I giggled. "We're all freaks Kealan, don't go pointing fingers."

Ryder kissed me. "I'm happy being a freak with you November."

Y'all, that's a wrap.

Tada! His girl their desire is finished!

There's gonna be a mind blowing book 2 though, about their daughter, and it's gonna be great!

I want to thank everyone for the support, you guys mean the world to me!

All my commenters and voters, THANK YOU!❤

So keep an eye out for BOOK 2.

I'll keep it here, in the SAME book, keep it nice and simple! ❤ I may have some bonus scenes from this book as well.

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