Chapter 5. Fortune cookie.

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  Kharif seemed to get increasingly annoyed as I blabbed about this, that, and the other thing. He was making food, and I couldn't help but speak.

"So, then after falling into the pool, he thought a pool noodle was actually -"

"Enough." Kharif interrupted sending me a sharp glare. "I don't care."

I touched my heart and huffed. "Clearly, you've got issues, everyone else I've talked to was hooked on that story."

Kharif glanced at me from the sandwich. "Who, your mom?"

I froze. "Okay, that was a good burn, I'll admit that." I grumbled and reached for the plate he had made for me.

Kharif smiled slightly before it faded and he looked disgusted again. He took an angry bite out his food and I stared at him. What I would give to hear this man's thoughts.

"So, how long has your little group been together?" I asked trying to be causal as I leaned on the counter.

Kharif paused. "Three years. Some more, some less. We didn't all get together at the same time."

My mind drifted back to Winter. "Who is the rat Winter is trying to hunt down?" I questioned.

Kharif finished his sandwich in one more large bite. He chewed slowly, and I knew it was to piss me off. Congratulations, you succeeded. "None of your concern brat."

I put my plate down and grinned. "My first pet name!"

Kharif frowned. "That was an insult, don't get the two mixed up."

I raised a finger. "Nu'uh, I get called little shit all the time by my parents, and it's supposed to be endearing."

Kharif gave me a blank look. "You want them around why now?"

I shot him a glare and crossed my arms. "Shut up. I made my choice."

Kharif rolled his eyes and put his plate in the sink. "Thats why I think we should get rid of you, but no, Winter seems think keeping you around is a good idea."

I pressed my lips together nervously. "Well in his defence, I would definitely tell my parents about you."

Kharif shrugged. "They wouldn't be able to touch us. See you brat, don't get into trouble."

I watched him go out the door and down the stairs to the cafe. I picked up my plate and set it in the sink. I then opened the fridge and pulled out a slice of cheese placing it into my mouth chewing thoughtfully.

So they intend to keep me here then, not surprising. How should I go about my escape? Without getting caught this time. I looked around and opened cupboards curiously.

Nothing too interesting. Normal things. No weapons of mass destruction, or even scissors. How disappointing. I huffed loudly and reached for the next drawer. "What are you doing?" Haru demanded.

I slammed the drawer closed and leaned on it smiling. Because if I smiled he totally wouldn't know I was snooping. I hope and pray. "Nothin'." I told him.

Haru glared at me. "You're lying, again."

Gone was the cute Asian boy who offered me free food. It seems I pissed him off, not surprising. I have a habit of bringing out the worst in people, instead of the best.

"Yeah, I did."

Haru looked pained as he stared at me. "I thought you weren't like them, but you're just as bad. You're a liar and fake. "

I twisted a strand of my purple hair around my finger tips. "Everyone lies. I thought you guys were going to kill me or something if I refused, so I lied. And I'm not fake, I'm as real as they come." I told him in a neutral tone.

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