Chapter 19. Family Gathering

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"Okay, are you ready?" I glanced up at Zomer as the five of us stood in front of a large glass door that led to the conference.

I nodded and glanced at my black dress before allowing Winter to pull me in, since my arm rested in his.

There were so many people, dressed fancy and talking, drinking wine. I took a deep breath and watched as the men spread out.

Zomer stood by the impressive line of food, Haru went near the back, and Kharif- I looked around, losing sight of him, a frown coming on my face.

"July," Winter said my name lowly and I ever so slowly glanced up at him. "One of your parents, will be here, maybe even two."

My eyes grew large and I sifted my gaze through the crowd. "Oh my gosh, is that you?" An annoying voice called, and I sighed, looking at one of the old models I had been forced to work with once.

"Sally, hi," I said, not even bothering to try to sound interested.

She flipped her blond hair and shifted her body to show her impressive cleavage. "Who's the gentleman?" She giggled at the end and winked at Winter.

My lips twitched in anger. "This is Winter, my boyfriend," I smiled cheekily and pulled Winter closer to my body.

Sally nodded and touched her chin, looking at my dress. "Oh my! You've gained weight! What a shame, you always did have trouble with that." My face flamed in shame, embarrassed and pissed that she dared comment on my appearance.

"And you've got a something dangling for your left nostril - but you don't see me pointing it out." I turned my head stunned and looked at Kharif, who had his impressive arms crossed over his chest.

I smiled gratefully and looked at Sally, who had smacked a hand over her nose in horror.

"Besides," I went very, very still as Kharif slowly touched a strand of my hair. "She's sexier this way, don't you think Winter?"

I blushed and looked at my white haired partner, to see how he would react as Kharif pulled his hand away. "Yes," Winter's right hand touched my hip firmly. "I agree,"

Sally glared at me and turned. "I'll see you around," she said stiffly and went speedily towards the restroom.

"I could have handled that," I muttered, looking down at my shoes. Kharif snorted.

"Sure you could have," I snapped my gaze to his, peeved at his disbelief.

"I dealt with that bitch for years, I could have handled it." I said slowly, staring at his eyes. Kharif shrugged and glanced at Winter.

"I'm going to go find out target," he said simply and turned, moving through the crowd, careful not to be touched.

I paused as Winter took my arm out of his. "Winter?" I said softly, tilting my head to the side.

Winter looked conflicted, which was rather shocking. He never seemed to be anything but sure and firm. "Can I leave you by yourself?"

I nodded and looked over at a glass of wine. "Yeah, I'm gonna get wasted, I have no doubt more people are going to talk to me."

Winter leaned down and I froze as his lips touched my cheek. He then leaned to my ear. "I'll be right back,"

I nodded and he pulled back, straightening his shoulders. I tucked my hair behind my ear nervously as he also slid through the crowd.

I nibbled on my bottom lip and walked over to grab a glass, before feeling eyes. Sitting at a table, just a few feet away, was Tyler, and he was staring at me with his mouth open and closing.

Laughing, I waved a hand. Tyler stumbled to his feet, and in mere moments, I was wrapped in a tight hug. Tears filled my eyes at the familiar warmth of family, my arms sliding around him as he kissed the top of my head repeatedly.

"Fucking fuck, I, shit, I was so fucking worried." Tyler told me and pulled back a little, large tattooed hands on my shoulders.

"Sorry," I said and wiped a single tear rolling down my cheek. "How's mom?"

Tyler winced. "Same as always, but worried sick,"

Tyler slowly pulled his hands away and didn't dare take his eyes off me, afraid his only daughter would disappear again. "Dad, I have a boyfriend," I blurted.

Tyler froze. "A, a what?! Is that why you disappeared so fucking long?!"

I tucked my hair behind my ear. "Sort of, yeah, he's an asshole, but kind of sweet when he wants to be? I guess?"

Tyler raised an eyebrow. "Reassuring, do I need to go dad mode on him?"

I giggled. "No, you're one of the only ones I trust not to freak out -"

Arms slid around me from behind and I paused, a head pressed into my shoulder blades. "July,"

Owen. I trembled and pulled myself free, turning to face him. Owen opened his mouth, and I slapped him as hard as I could.

"July, what the fuck?" Tyler demanded and pulled me back when I tried to hit Owen again, who stood very still.

"You fucking bastard!" I hissed, despite the sudden onlookers who watched curiously.

"What did I do?" Owen asked, slowly touching the place I hit him, almost looking amused at my attempt to hurt him.

"Tyler, let me go, I'm going to kill him, Zomer will help me bury the body -" I trembled with rage, itching to hit him again.

"Who's Zomer?" Owen raised an eyebrow and Tyler held me back as I almost growled.

"I can't even look at you! You're disgusting!" I spat and Owen froze, looking suddenly pale and somber.

"Who the hell told you?" His voice was soft as Tyler looked between us, confused.

"It doesn't matter who told me, all that matters is that I know." I spat.

"What are you two talking about?!" Tyler said said loudly, frustrated.

"July, can we go somewhere private?" Owen asked, looking ill.

I glared at him. "No, we can't, I don't even want to look at you,"

Tyler made a noise and let go of any arms, seeming to have realized what this was about. "July, that was a long time ago,"

My eyes flashed. "He still did it,"

Tyler looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "July, can we please talk about this somewhere other than here?"

I grit my teeth and crossed my arms. "Fine,"

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