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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉* * *

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August 1974

It was summer. Juliet used to love the summer because she got to see her parents for more than three weeks and she could also spend time with James without his stupid friends around. Not Remus. Remus wasn't stupid.

But now that she had started ignoring her brother, suddenly he was the one begging for her attention. That was what he was currently doing.

"Get the hell out of my room before I stab you with my quill, James!" She glared at him.

"Come on, Juliet! Let's play wizard chess! You love wizard chess!" He pleaded.

"No, I don't. I don't even know how to play. You played with Remus."

Juliet did not know how she knew that.

"Yes, well Remus isn't here. Come on, I'm bored." It was at this exact moment Juliet noticed her brother was very whiny.

"Sounds like a you problem." She threw a pillow at him. "Now get out, I'm busy."

It was true, she was busy. In fact, she was busy writing back to her friends, Amos and Regulus. She wanted to ask them if they've heard from Pandora. They've all been corresponding but suddenly the Lestrange girl stopped answering. It worried them and Juliet was very close to go to their mansion and demand to see the blonde.

"What even are you doing? Who are you writing to? That better not be a boyfriend." James said, getting a hold of the letter she was writing to Amos.

James was an overprotective twin brother. A very annoying one too.

Immediately, Juliet stood up, trying to get back the letter. If James knew, Sirius would know, and then the whole school, and then the entirety of the wizarding world. And Godric knew what her friends' parents would do to them.

So she was now hitting James and screaming at him to give it back so he wouldn't get to read it. James ran out, Juliet after him and faster than you could say "quidditch", she jumped on his back, both of them falling down the steps.

They heard gasps, as they were laying on the ground next to each other, both groaning in pain.

"Holy shit!"

Juliet knew that voice too well and was now even more annoyed. Sirius Black. Ugh. The boys were supposed to be at the Potters that night, and it was barely 3pm.

For the past three years, the boys have been invited to come at their friend's house a few weeks before school so they could all go together. Juliet didn't mind so much, at least James would leave her alone.

She snatched the parchment away from James' grasp and tried to stand up. Hands came to help her and once she was on her feet, she looked up to see the boy with the scars.

"You okay?" He questioned softly, searching her for injuries.

"Hi. Yeah. I landed on James." She gave him a mischievous grin.

"I can confirm that." James groaned. Sirius went to help him up.

"Hey, Prongs." He then looked at the other twin with a smirk. "Hello, Juliet."

"Black." She nodded then turned to the quiet blonde standing in front of them, amused. "Hey, Peter. Happy birthday."

"Thanks Juliet." He grinned.

Peter was cute. She didn't dislike him as much as she disliked Sirius. Sirius was a pain in the arse.

Then the room was silent for a minute. James and Juliet looked at the three boys who were staring at the girl. She wondered if she was intruding on them, but something about the looks in their eyes made her realise that in fact, they did not want her to leave. The older twin started to glare at his friends and Juliet blushed. Remus and Peter immediately looked away once they noticed how she shifted uncomfortably and cleared their throats.

"You look hot Potter." Sirius winked.

Juliet felt like throwing up. Ew.

They were indeed checking her out. At least Remus and Peter looked away the second they noticed they made her uncomfortable. You can't say the same about Sirius.

A pain in the arse. Juliet repeated in her mind.

In their defense, she was aesthetically pleasing to look at. She used to be a bit chubby, but even then she looked adorable. She seemed to have lost a lot of weight in the past few months. Must have been the quidditch practices. Probably also, puberty doing its job, if you know what I mean.

"Oi! That's my baby sister, you git!" James smacked Sirius' arm, chasing after him the second the boy ran out the door.

Peter sighed and followed after them, but Remus didn't move. Juliet glanced up at him then folded her parchment and put it in her pocket before walking to the kitchen, the boy following her.

She wondered why he didn't go after his friends. Well, Remus did always try to include her in their little group, probably why he was her favorite. But Juliet thought she made it clear that it didn't matter to her anymore. Maybe he just didn't feel like running.

So while she was checking the cabinets for a snack, she would glance his way a few times.

He looked taller than he already was. And his hair was shorter. He used to have longer hair, and Juliet knew he was trying to hide his scars so he would seem less intimating, but apparently he had given up on that thought. Juliet liked that better. She could see his whole face. And she thought that his scars made him even more attractive.

"New haircut?" She asked, taking two sugar quills from a cabinet, handing him one.

He thanked her with a nod. "Mh. Looks good doesn't it?" He got a giggle and a nod as an answer, making him break into a tired smile.

Juliet liked that smile. He looked cute. His lips would barely curve up but enough to make it look like a smile and not a grimace. He just looked so soft.

But the dark circles under his eyes didn't go unnoticed by her. He actually looked sick. Remus had told Juliet that he had some sort of sickness, once she questioned him about his monthly disappearance.

What kind of sickness can affect you this badly? Is it deadly? Juliet hoped it wasn't.

"You look tired." He glanced up from the sugar quill. "Rough night?"

He nodded. Then he noticed her smirk. "Not that kind of rough night."

"I didn't say anything." She saw the glint of amusement in his eyes. "I'll make you some tea, then you should go rest a bit. I'll wake you up when we'll celebrate Peter's birthday."

"Oh no, it's fine, I'm fine, you don't-"

"I'm not taking no for an answer."

And barely two minutes later, a cup of tea was pushed in front of him. Remus could see purple flowers floating on the liquid.

"Lavender." She told him.

He grinned. Of course it was lavender. He took in the scent and it reminded him of the very girl standing in front of him with a small smile.

If he didn't love the scent of old books, lavender would be his favorite smell.

Juliet Euphemia Potter smelt like lavender. And Remus loved it.

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hmm are those unnoticed feelings I'm seeing?

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