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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉* * *

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Summer 1975

To say that the fifteen year-old's first meeting with the Dark Arts fanatics was terrifying is an understatement.

She would have been all cocky and confident if only she had her wand in hand, but no there she was, hiding behind a huge car, thinking of spells that wouldn't need her to have a wand.

Hence, Juliet caused little explosions here and there to distract the Death Eaters about to attack, while James used every defensive and offensive he knew. He was incredible good at D.A.D.A, so not a big surprise.

Her anxiety doubled when she saw Remus running to join his best friend, standing by his side and shouting spells. Looking back, she saw Lyall and Peter helping people evacuate as fast as they could. But no sign of Hope. She was a Muggle, perhaps Lyall had sent her away to have her safe? She could only hope nothing happened to the lovely woman.

Quietly she started mumbling "Anaticula" staring at the Death Eaters surrounding the boys, who were very confused as to why their attackers wand were producing ducks everytime they casted deadly spells.

Her eyes widened when they fell on three small kids crying as a familiar looking young woman stood before them, a mad smile on her face. Her own heart was pounding, she was scared and she didn't want to die.

But those children didn't either, and it wasn't their war.

So, standing up from her hiding spot, she looked around and transformed, galloping away. But well, she should be fine right? There was a zoo nearby, surely they'll think a weird-looking zebra escaped or something.

Needless to say that the children were surprised to see a horse come out of nowhere and kick the psychopathic woman. Juliet leant down and took the wand in her mouth- or more like muzzle- and broke it into half thanks to her teeth. The woman laying on the ground stared at the animal with wide eyes, and staring into those crazy eyes, the Potter girl recognised her.

Bellatrix Black -to be Lestrange.

Of course Sirius' deranged cousin had to be here. The white mare started cursing under her breathe, though it came out as neighing sounds, and turned back to the children, pushing them with her muzzle, urging them to run.

To know they'll make it out safe, she galloped alongside them, hiding their small bodies with her tall one. Once she saw them run into a building she quickly trotted back to Remus and James. Not being able to do much, she simply used her physical strength that increased in her animagus form to push away her opponents.

Who would have thought a horse's back legs were as efficient as an Expulso?

Speaking of which, one directed at her threw her against a building wall, and she fell on the ground disoriented.

She felt herself re-transform at that moment. She could barely hear anything, everything sounded muffled. She tried opening her eyes but her vision was blurry. A warm liquid was sliding down her forehead, and a huge pain took over her entire body.

Juliet fainted. While she was out, Aurors intervened, the small battle went on for another hour until the situation was calm. Not under control but calm. Death Eaters had escaped, and both Muggles and Wizards died or were injured during the encounter. Members of the ministry and some remaining Aurors went to modify the Muggles' memories of the terror, to try and keep their identities safe anyhow.

No matter how much effort they put to it, something still wouldn't feel right to the non-magical folks. They were realistic, not complete idiots, they felt the threat, they knew it was there, they simply couldn't understand what it was. Or perhaps they did not want to understand because it would be too overwhelming. Magic? Not possible, how could it be?

Once Fleamont, who was among the Aurors who intervened, saw his son, he could feel his heart drop. He rushed to the teenagers, seeing Lyall also join them.

"What happened!? Why are you boys here?!" He hugged James and checked him for injuries, he had a few cuts but was overall fine.

"We were at the zoo nearby when it happened." Lyall sighed, pulling his own son in his embrace.

"Where's mum?" Remus asked worriedly.

"I sent her home, don't worry."

"James ran to the scene! Juliet ran after him to stop him but-" Peter started to explain.

"Wait. Where's Juliet!?" James screamed, pulling away from his dad, frantically looking around.

The men and boys started to run around, yelling the girl's name. The panic rising in each of their chests, not able to see her among all the corpses and wounded people.

"Oh my God!" They heard Pettigrew shriek in horror. Regrouping around him, they all froze when they saw the immobile laying figure. Her back was facing them, but they were all familiar with those brown locks by then.

James rushed to her, his heart throbbing. He almost threw up when the first thing he saw when he was close enough was the blood. He crouched down, staring at her, then glancing back at the still frozen group, then at his sister again.

With shaking hands, he went to take her pulse. And he could finally breathe again once he felt her heartbeat. "Get help!" He screamed at the others.

Lyall and Peter scurried away, looking for medical assistance, as Fleamont and Remus approached the twins with heavy hearts. James brought his twin into his embrace, refusing to let go.

"James, if there's anything broken, you're going to make it worse." Remus murmured, his heart in his mouth while he couldn't take his eyes away from her.

"They'll fix it. They'll fix her." He replied stubbornly, bringing her closer, not caring for the blood getting on his shirt.

"This is my fault." That's what Juliet heard when she woke up for a slight second before blacking out again.

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Well, good news is, so far, she's alive.

another one because I'm a public pleaser

THE LOVER AND THE BELOVED // remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now