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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉* * *

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August 1974

Pandora started to relax an hour after the arrival of her friends. The boys and Juliet have been starting random conversations and including her from times to times to slowly make her feel more comfortable. At some point, she joined in.

And she ended up letting them know what happened to her.

Pandora didn't have it as bad as Sirius, because being sorted in Ravenclaw was still better than being sorted in Gryffindor when you're from a long line of Slytherins. Turns out, Rabastan killed Arianrhod, Pandora's owl, so he could intercept her friends' letters and snitch to their parents.

The past few days have been terribly rough for the blonde, to the point where Juliet's eyes started to get teary. Fortunately, she managed to escape on her broom, and was disowned in the process.

"You could stay with us. Sirius practically lives here and my parents don't mind, so they won't be against having you too." Juliet smiled, it would be exciting to live with her best friend.

"Or she could come with me." Amos suggested. "Plus, the Weasleys, Prewetts and Lovegoods also live in Ottery St Catchpole."

"Hey!" Juliet smacked the back of Diggory's head. "Don't try to bribe her with Lovegood, you know she would say yes in a heartbeat!"

And they started bickering on the subject before actually starting to get physical. Regulus watched amused as Pandora blushed. Yes, she did like the eccentric blonde Ravenclaw.

After some trouble to separate the two, the blonde finally decided to stay at the Diggory's. Ottery St Catchpole wasn't that far from Godric's Hollow so she promised she would visit Juliet often.

Since her personal and school stuff were still at the Lestrange', they decided to get help from the school by contacting McGonagall and Dumbledore about the issue.

Later that day, after Juliet's friends left, she learnt about her parents abruptly leaving for an urgent matter concerning their work. The twins were a bit confused as the parents only told them that they would try to be there to send them off to school. That would be in three weeks. And even though they were Aurors, they never had to leave for work for so long.

So now, the five Gryffindors were sitting comfortably in the living room, not really talking to each other. Juliet was writing to Lily and James was trying to get her to say something positive about him in her letter. Remus was reading. Peter was eating biscuits. And Sirius was bickering with the family cat, Rusty.

"Padfoot, leave Rusty alone." Remus scolded after hearing the cat hiss.

There it was again. The weird nicknames. She always wondered why they've given each other those nicknames. Padfoot, Prongs, Moony and Wormtail. Seriously, what even. Deep down, she disliked it just because she wanted to have one and didn't.

Sirius started barking at the cat who jumped on him, making Peter and James jump to help get Rusty off. Rusty usually just glared at the people who bothered him and slapped them, so the sudden attack was surprising. Whatever Sirius barked, Rusty understood.

It made Juliet think that Sirius' Animagus would probably be a dog. Her eyes widened. Wait... She glanced at the three other boys, then back at Sirius who was laughing like a maniac. Padfoot.

Juliet really had to stop herself from saying anything about it, as the boys didn't know that she knew. Hell, they didn't even know that she managed to become one earlier that summer. For four whole years, she learnt how to transform in her animal form, and now that she was one, she didn't know how to tell James and his friends.

Oh, but, she's a Gryffindor. It's now or never.

"Lads." She called. They looked her way. "I have something to tell you."

At that moment, an owl flew inside from the open window and gave a letter to Juliet, and another to Remus before leaving. The Gryffindors frowned and James went to sit back next to Juliet to read the letter with her.

"What is it?" Peter asked after a moment, seeing the surprised expressions on Remus and Juliet's faces.

James had a wide smile on as he started messing with Juliet's hair. "I present to you, two of the six Gryffindor prefects."

Peter congratulated them and Sirius started to tease them, saying that those must have been the worst choices ever.

After a few minutes, when they calmed down, Remus glanced at Juliet. "What was it you wanted to say?" She looked at him confused. "You said you wanted to tell us something."

"Ah." She paused. "I forgot. Probably wasn't important."

That was very un-Gryffindor like.

Juliet was a terrible liar but thankfully two of the people she just lied to were oblivious.

But, James knew his twin well, he knew her tell. She would bite the inside of her cheek then slightly scrunch her nose. Remus was very observant, especially when it came to the youngest Potter, so he knew it too. But they didn't want to press it, she'll tell them when she'll be comfortable enough to do so. They just hoped it wasn't important.

Every day, Juliet told herself that the next day, she'll tell the Marauders about the secret she shared with them. But every day she pushed it to the next day. And the next day. And the next day.

Until summer ended and it was time to go back to school.

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wow this one sucked.

I had an idea yesterday, on something that would happen later in the story and I'm so excited to get there but eh, let's not rush

THE LOVER AND THE BELOVED // remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now