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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉* * *

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January 1976

"Is this a prank?"

"She's just kidding, right?"

"Did someone wake her up violently or something?"

Questions were flowing out of the group of friends the second Juliet had left the table, going after the same Slytherin boy she had been talking about the previous night.

Remus, however, had been quiet the entire time. He couldn't say anything, he was frozen. Did his lovely girlfriend just confess her love for somebody else so nonchalantly?

"Moony, did you two get into a fight?" James asked him, pulling him out of his trance.

He shook his head no, staring at the door behind which she had disappeared. This had to be a cruel joke.

"Let's... Let's not overthink this, yeah? She's probably just trying to get a reaction out of us." Sirius said, others nodding along.

But, that's how things stayed, even the following day.

Juliet was with Crouch Jr., leaning against the wall of a random hallway.

"I wish we were in the same house." She had told him, her eyes not looking away from him.

"You're a bit too bold for Slytherin." He smirked, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes, as he stared at her for a few seconds. "I couldn't believe it when I heard you and that Lupin lad were a thing. You, with someone like him? I had to do something."

"Who?" She had asked, barely processing his words.

Barty looked a bit confused for a second, but shrugged it off, deciding to accompany her back to the Gryffindor Tower.

"Well, this is it, I suppose. Good night, beautiful." He smiled, turning to walk away.

"Don't go." She pleaded, grabbing onto his hand.

"I will see you again in the morning, don't worry." He reassured, squeezing her hand, leaning to leave a kiss on her cheek.

"I can't wait." She giggled, staring up at him lovingly.

He watched her turn towards the portrait of the fat lady. "Hey, Juliet?"

"Yes?" She hurriedly looked back at him.

"I love you." He smiled softly.

Before she could even say anything, Sirius had suddenly stepped in between the two of them, mumbling under his breath, throwing the Potter girl over his shoulder and entering the common room after sending a glare at the Slytherin.

He couldn't believe what he had just witnessed, this was not a joke.

"Hey! Put me down! I couldn't even say goodbye because of you!" Juliet whined at him.

Putting the girl down, not paying attention to Dorcas and Peter who were doing their homework on the table near them, Sirius held her by the shoulders, staring into her eyes.

"What is wrong with you? Tell me what happened, please."

There had to be an actual explanation for the girl he considered a sister to be suddenly behaving like such. Was she under some sort of spell?

"Nothing happened, I was just hanging out with-"

"Don't you dare say his name." He warned, frowning.

"I know you dislike Slytherins but you could be more supportive of my relationship." She pouted.

"Your relationship!?" The Black boy screamed.

"Padfoot." Peter called, as though signalling him to keep his cool.

Taking a deep breath in, the grey-eyed boy turned back to the girl. Noticing something extremely weird about her, but unable to put a finger on it.

"Why don't you go, and have a talk with Remus, which, may I remind you, is your actual boyfriend. He's been in his room since what happened this morning, so go, and have a talk with him and sort out whatever the hell is going on between you two, okay?" He advised her, pausing a lot, as an attempt to not raise his voice again.

"There's nothing going on between him and I, and there's nothing to talk about, I love Barty, end of the story." The brunette shrugged, a smile appearing on her lips when she mentioned the boy's name.

"No! What the hell, Juliet!? You don't love him! Listen to me for once, please-"

"Sirius, stop it." She frowned at him. "Why can't you just be happy for me? I'm happy, and I'm happy because I'm with Bartemius, so either respect it or get off my back, because I really don't need an advice from a self-centered piece of shit who doesn't know anything about love."

The room was suddenly quiet. The harsh words that had left the girl's mouth had the three other people present in the room shocked.

If she had been in her normal state, she would have immediately regretted her words and apologised, but there was only one person in her mind that entire time, and so, she walked up to her room without saying another word.

Hurt and angry, but above all, confused, Sirius stared at the space in which she was standing just a few seconds ago, attempting to make sense out of this.

His best friend had stayed in his room quietly, feeling numb but at the same time, completely heartbroken. The girl causing that had a sudden and complete change of behavior, added to an obsession with some random Slytherin lad. And that Slytherin lad seemed to be very satisfied with the situation.

"Sirius?" Dorcas called softly.

"Let's wait and see if she's still like this tomorrow." Was all he said before he left to his dorm room.

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I just know yall hating on Juliet a bit right now, but don't forget yall, Amortentia is a highly dangerous potion

Charlie Heaton
as young Bartemius Crouch Jr.

THE LOVER AND THE BELOVED // remus lupinWhere stories live. Discover now