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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉
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𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕬𝖓𝖉 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕭𝖊𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊𝖉* * *

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November 1975

"What do you mean!? You can't do anything!?" James yelled.

"James, calm down." Juliet scolded.

In the Hospital Wing, after the two prefects forced the older Potter twin to eat, Madam Pomfrey came back from some sort of meeting with the Headmaster. James had interrogated her on when the students would wake up, and he didn't like the answer.

It's going to take a long time.

"No, why can't she heal them now!?"

Juliet walked to her twin and forcefully pushed him on his chair. "Sit." She ordered.

He was breathing heavily. James had quite the temper. He was usually playful, an ass sometimes, overexcited about anything and everything, but he was barely angry. When he was, it was ugly.

"The Mandrakes need to grow for the Draught to be efficient, and it's going to take time to make it grow, but Professor Sprout is dealing with it. You need to calm down and let them do what they do best. Lily will be alright, they all will." She told him in a strict but soft voice.

He nodded, taking deep breaths in. Juliet knew James was a crybaby so she nudged him, opening her arms wide. Needless to say he didn't waste a second before jumping in her embrace.

"There there." She patted his back, meeting Remus' eyes. He was watching the scene from his seat, deciding not to intervene, letting her deal with her twin.

"I just want her to be okay." James mumbled.

"I know. She will be. I promise. You just have to be a little patient."

It was two hours later when Juliet and Remus started to make their way back to their common room. Madam Pomfrey agreed to let James stay for yet another night. It was the weekend anyway.

"How much longer do you think it'll take the Mandrakes to grow?" Remus questioned the girl. She probably was the most reliable student when it came to Potions. The only one to surpass Lily.

"Professor Sprout said that those she got are not babies. It's already been two months since then... I guess the mature Mandrakes will be ready to be stewed in the next two or three months." She shrugged.

"I don't think James can wait that long, it's only been a week since Lily got petrified, and look at him."

"I know." Trying to tease the dull atmosphere she locked her arm with his with a teasing smile. "I guess that as his best friend, you're gonna be busy distracting him? What a shame, you might get too busy for me."

"Okay, first of all, you are his twin, that's your job." He smiled, pulling on her arm to bring her closer. "And I'll never be too busy for you."

She stopped walking, causing him to also stop. They stared at each other with small smiles. "Is that so?"

"Mhmh. You're doubting me now?" He leaned closer.

Remus' heart was racing so badly it was almost vibrating in his ears. The proximity was making him feel all sorts of things, and again, her nose was touching his. This situation happened so many times. He leaned in.

"Hey! You two!"

"Shit." Juliet mumbled.

They couldn't even be angry at that point, that was Filch and they were screwed. Their eyes widened and they slightly leaned away from each other. Glancing at Filch trotting their way, then back at each other, on a silent agreement they started to run, ignoring the caretaker's screams.

"Hey! Stop right there!"

"We're prefects! Sorry, we don't have time, gotta finish patrolling!" Remus screamed back.

"PATROLLING ROUNDS WERE CANCELLED!!" He yelled, panting, and finally they stopped hearing his footsteps after them.

Still running corridors after corridors, the two wanted to get as far from the weird man as possible, so he wouldn't catch them and give them detention. They were prefects but that technically wasn't an excuse for them to be out of their common room in a time like that.

Stopping by windows, they took a moment to stable their breathing, laughing uncontrollably at what happened a minute earlier.

"God, he hates us!" She exclaimed with a wide grin.

Filch did hate students in general. But he hated the Marauders more. And anyone that's anyhow related to them.

"I don't see why. We're adorable." Remus pretended to flick hair behind his shoulder in a sassy gesture, which made Juliet laugh even more.

Oh, he lived for that laugh.

"We sure are, princess." She smirked.

"Princess?" He raised an eyebrow amused.

They both stood there with smiles over their faces, simply staring at each other.

We were interrupted. Was what she wanted to say.

But she was tired of the failed attempts, the repeated scenario, the constant interruptions, and the feelings that used to confuse her but that she could understand better by then.

So Juliet Potter kissed Remus Lupin.

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this is not how I wanted it to turn out, this chapter sucks

but I bet yall love me now

and thank u for 60k !! <3

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