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"Hey, Aunt May! Yeah, I'm good- listen, can I stay the night with Mr. Stark? No no, nothings wrong we're just working on something and— yeah yeah, okay, no don't worry. Take care, love you," Peter hung up and looked at Tony, "Well that went well."

Tony sighed and looked Peter dead in the eye, "I have no idea how you get into these situations, but please stop trying to give me a heart attack Pete."

Peter laughed nervously, "It's not on purpose!"

"I sure hope it's not!"

Lucifer, who was sitting on the couch with Clint's sleeping figure next to her, looked at them with a raised eyebrow, "Nothing is coincidental."

"This is!" Peter insisted but the devil had a hard time believing that. Just to stop him from getting any louder she nodded and muttered a quiet, "Sure."

The youngling relaxed after that and picked up his backpack with a huff, "Imma go to the guest room—"

"—it's your room, Pete—"

"—I'll be back!" And with that he left, leaving Tony, Lucifer, and a sleeping Clint behind.

The rest of the Avengers had called it a night and left after they had their pizzas. Only Clint was left and that's because he lives in the vents.

"So," Tony started, "How much of the bible is true?"

Lucifer rolled her eyes, "Well I can't say all of it seeing as they referred to me as a he and here I am as a she."

Tony nodded.

"But besides that, I guess it's mostly true. I have no love for humans and no interest in what they do as long as the ones who deserve it get their punishment. I'm not here singing lies in your ears to commit sins and blah blah blah, that's all you and I would be very happy if you'd stop blaming me for every little thing," she then got a thoughtful expression, "But the younger generation is amusing. They have no faith in anything and disregard The Devil and God just the same, not to mention their fixation with death. It's hilarious."

The billionaire laughed, "Tell me about it."

(In his room, Peter was watching montero)


Morning found them having breakfast as normal people do. Lucifer was given her own room across the hall from Peter and thanks to Pepper she now had some clothes her size. Not that it was a problem before, but she still appreciated Pepper's thoughtfulness.

Breakfast was nothing fancy, Stark had gotten up at ten and attempted to make pancakes but he was kicked out when he started a fire and Pepper swiftly took over, making simple but fluffy pancakes for a big village.

Lucifer joined them and after poking the pancakes mistrustfully, she cut a piece of it carefully and ate it. Tony watched with amusement as she froze before putting a larger piece in her mouth. Between Peter and Lucifer, the pancakes were done in record time.

Thank god Steve was out with Bucky and Thor was back on Asgard, or else no amount of pancakes could satisfy them.

"So Forks, we have a big glaring issue here," Tony started after they were done eating, "First, We need to find a way to fix this whole you thing. Second, Underoos has classes, thankfully they decided to summon the devil near the end of the week. So we need to figure out a way for you to be near him and not fall from a portal in the middle of physics or something."

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