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If nothing, Lucifer was efficient.

In the short window of time she had left, she located Dell, asked him nicely to quit his job and offer her as a substitute -seeing as it was the middle of the term- and possibly take a vacation to Canada.

Julius Dell preferred to go to somewhere like where world war III took place -History teachers, am I right?- but when faced with the devil's red eyes and disembodied growls coming from somewhere in the room-

He couldn't wait to see a moose.

Lucifer returned on her own, no portals needed, and after checking up on the sleeping child plus kicking the archer off the couch, went to the room which was given to her and decided to rest.

For once, the morning started normally, meaning no screams from a vent crawler nb (the nb was typed by my dog walking on the keyboard so I'm keeping it) or Tony Stark running away in horror after his baby bots tried to feed him gasoline. 

Just a perfect, ordinary morning.

Well, if you ignore them being superheroes with superpowers and not to mention the literal devil.

Besides that, yes. Normal.

Lucifer sipped her tea and looked at Peter, who was devouring a giant stack of pancakes drenched in maple syrup.

"Your pancakes are drowning," Lucifer commented making Peter look up at her with sleepy eyes.

"If I can't drown and die, then my pancakes will have to do," and then poured more syrup.

Stark made a choked sound and then looked at Peter with concerned eyes.

Lucifer just nodded, finding it reasonable, and then turned to face Stark, "I have dealt with Dell, he's no longer a problem."

Peter looked up momentarily, "Did you kill Mr. Dell?"

"Not yet."

"It's okay if you do, he gave me a B," He stabbed his pancakes with a dark expression.

Stark pointed a finger at Lucifer, "Do not kill Dell," and then turned to Peter, "Murder is not okay, we do not condone it even if they've given you a B."

"But you kill," Lucifer pointed out.

The genius glared at her for daring to question his parenting, "Do as I say, not as I do."

Lucifer looked at Peter and shook her head and mouthed 'no'.

Peter nodded and gave her a thumbs up and mouthed 'got it'.

Stark looked at them both and once again glared at the devil, "You're a terrible influence, look at what you've done to the smol bean!"

Both looked at Peter who was pouring more syrup and muttered softly to his pancakes, "Die, be free. Do what I couldn't do."

Rolling her eyes, Lucifer sipped her tea and pointed a finger at Peter, "That's completely normal."

Tony groaned, "I need you gone asap."

。................✟............... 。

The weekend was spent researching ways to send the devil back to hell and the most they did was undercover a secret cult and how little humans knew about ways of returning the devil back to hell.

The cult was handled with almost no trouble-

( "I refuse to believe the devil, our lord, is a woman!" The cult leader shouted.

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