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Peter didn't know what to expect when he went to school after the weekend. He knew about Tony and Lucifer's plan to replace her as their history teacher but that didn't mean he was prepared for her in any shape or way.

The day started normal, he woke up, had his breakfast and then was driven to school by Happy. Lucifer said she still had time so she'd come later.

Walking into midtown high felt like he was about to die any moment.

Ned found him at his locker, looking around nervously, "Hey!"

Peter looked at Ned, "I summoned the devil."

Ned froze with his hand up in the air -preparing for a bro handshake- and then started laughing, "Dude, what?"

Looking around like a paranoid person, Peter leaned close to Ned, "The ritual we did? Worked."

"Shit. Does Mr. Stark know?"

He received a nod.

"What did he do?"

"Replaced Mr. Dell."

It was about halfway through school time when the rumors started flying around about the demon teacher from hell, with her pretty looks and torturous ways.

The whole day Peter -and now Ned- looked like two paranoid people, looking over their shoulders and acting like a hell hound was just about to jump out and kill them.

Finally, finally, it was the last class which meant history.

Ned and Peter delayed going to class as much as they could but in the end, they had to go in, so after some encouraging words-

("The worst she'll do is kill us-"


"-and damn us to an eternity in hell-"

"-being tortured In every possible way."


-they went in and sat in their usual seats. Due to their bad luck, MJ was absent that day because she had a cold. So their line of defense was nonexistent.

Peter would say nothing else could go wrong, but then Flash opened his mouth, "I've heard she's hella hot."

How in the world did he make an awful pun without knowing?

Fortunately for Peter's sanity, the door opened and the devil walked in.

Lucifer for once was not wearing her tight, leather pants and a black tank top with high boots and instead was wearing a black suit with sneakers. Her make-up was the same without the dark shadowy eyes and her hair was down as usual.

No one dared to speak or move while she crossed the room, set her bag down on the table, and then walked to the board to write 'Ms. Diavola'.

Peter was 90% sure it was a name related to either devil or Satan because he knew Mr. Stark had chosen it and he'd choose something punny.

Lucifer smiled a dangerous smile that made his spidey senses scream at him to run away like a headless chicken and leave the fools behind. The smile was creepy, it wasn't the smile she gave peter when he had finished his homework with her and then told him in celebration they can go out and enjoy a healthy goat's heart together. It did take a weird turn like everything with lucifer did, peter wasn't going to deny that, but that moment had been precious to him in the sense that he had made her proud by doing something small and she had felt the need to be proud despite knowing him for only a few days.

HELLFIRE ༄ Tony StarkOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora