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Insane Nights--》Chapter 4

Insane Nights--》Chapter 4

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1 hour ago the Police arrived. Denna and Kate already explained Sheriff Goode what happend but of course they didn't told him the truth. Simon is right now talking to Sheriff Goode and Amy is waiting for her turn.

"Lia, your turn to talk to Mister 'I know everything better than you'!" Simon screamed, beyond pissed at the Sheriff right beside him.

Nick just looked at Simon with a raised eyebrow. She pushed herself away from the side of the Bus, that she was leaning on and made her way over to the two of them.

"Well then I shouldn't let the Mister wait." Simon squeezed Amy's shoulder lightly and walked away as Goode glared holes in the back of Simon's head.

"Jealous much?" Amy asked, smirking amused. Nick just looked at her with a blank face.

"So tell me what happend." "The others already told you. So theres no need in asking me the same ass boring questions." Amy exclaims as she looks around bored out of her mind. "Just answer the questions." Nick orders her lowering his Notice block. "Nope. My answers are all the same like the ones from my friends. You can write that down." Nick sighs. "How do you get home?" He changed the subject. Amy just shrugs. "Well then I will drive you." Nick tells her. "Whatever." Amy answers and makes her way over to the Police car. "Bye, Bitches!" Amy yells to her friends.

"Bye, Lia!" "Bye, baby!" Her friends called back.

"What's going on between them?" Denna asked her two friends as they watched her and the Towns Sheriff drive away. "What do you mean?" Kate asked, confused. "When I was looking for her back on the Football Field, I found her and Sheriff Goode behind a wall, standing awfully close to each other and Amy blushed! I mean she actually blushed! She never blushed before! That's not normal for her! And her Cheerleader Top was a little bit higher then it should have been!" Kate looks shocked. Simon just laughed. "Damn Girl, she's crushing on the Towns Sheriff!"

The ride to the Claire residence was silent between Amy and Nick. It wasn't awkward, it was more like comfortable silence. As they neared the entress of Amy's house a person could be seen standing in front of the door with a baby in their arms. It wasn't her brother Amy could tell on hand of the statue from this person. It was a woman. When they were nearer Amy recognized this Person as her neighbor Mrs. Lydia Mueller. The second the car held in front of the King residence Amy jumped out of the car and walked with quickened pace up the steps of her Home.

"Lydia! Why do you have Hope? Where's Liam? Is everything alright? Is Liam hurt?" Amy asked, panicking a little bit at the tought that something happened to her Twin.

The little Girls face lit up as she heard the voice of her older sister. Immediately the little one made grappy hands towards her older sister, wanted to be in her arms instead of ones of a stranger.

"Liam just knocked on my door, handed little Hope to me, said he needed to go somewhere, that it was really important and then ran off before I could say a Word." Lydia responds as she handed the impatient little Baby to her lovely Sister.

"Ssshh. I'm here now." Amy shushed little Hope. "Thank you for taking care of her, Lydia. Have a Goodnight!" Amy politely thanked her Neighbor. Lydia just nodded and walked away.

Nick watched with soft eyes how Amy interacted with little Hope. He could picture how she would take care of their children in the Future. "Thank you for driving me Home, Nick. I will most likely see you tomorrow already again" Amy tells Nick with a real smile, that he sees for the first Time on her face, wich he found absolutely beautiful.

With all confidence Amy had she leaned forward and kissed his cheek then turned around and walked towards her door. Nick touched his cheek with his fingers were her lips touched his skin. "Stay out of trouble!" He screams after her when she walked through her door. "No promises, Sheriff!"

And with that she closed her Door and smiled softly to herself as Hope giggled joyfully. "You like him too, don't you?" Amy questions her little Sister. Hope just looked at her with a smile and wide eyes. That was her way to tell Amy that she was completely right. After all the events of the night she just wanted to go to sleep. But what she didn't know was, that this was just the beginning of a eventful and tragedy Night that she would never forget.



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Next Chapter is finally out! Thanks to all the People who commented on the story so far. I'm sorry if I don't answer to your comments because I have much on my mind the last days that I totally forget to respond. I hope you like the Story so far! And I finally decided who is going to be the bad guy! It took me forever to decide that! Next Uptade Tomorrow Evening!
Best wishes ❤

Insane Nights! Nick Goode (FS: 1994-1666)Where stories live. Discover now