Chapter 11

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Insane Nights--》Chapter 11


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"So, you will eat these drugs in a specific order. First these yellow and blue ones, then the red, orange and green ones and at last all of them together. Your heart will stop after this, just like it happened with my brother. When your heart stops we will give you these things. In these things is adrenaline. It will make your heart start beating again." Simon explains to his friends but mainly to Sam. "Well good then. Let's get this started." Kate takes Amy's Hand and starts to walk down an aisle. "So you and the Sheriff, Mhm?" Kate teases her Friend. "Well, yes.. I mean, I guess?" Amy answers unsure. "What do you mean you guess?" Kate wisphers confused. "I mean we slept together and I definitely have feelings for him but I don't know how he feels. We didn't had enough time to talk about us. You know being chased by that killers." Kate laughs Lightly. Suddenly Amy holds her finger in front of her mouth signaling Kate to be quiet. Amy takes off sprinting down the aisle back to grabbing a can of hair spray amd a lighter in the process. Kate runs takes off after her grabbing hair spray and a lighter as well. Denna and Sam were about to get stabbed by skull mask but May and Kate sprayed the hair spray and light up their lighters. "Go!" Kate screams. Nobody realized that Ruby Lane had creeped up behind Kate and was about to stab her but in the last second Amy noticed it and jumped in front of her and gets stabbed in the stomach. Kate turns around in shock about to attack Ruby but Skull mask Killer throws her on a counter with a meal slicer on it. He drags her slowly closer to it by the head. At the same time Ruby Lane froze just like Nightwing did before after she stabbed Amy. Fast she turns around and walks after Sam and Denna. With the last bit of her strength Amy stands up. Fast she walks over, picks up a knive and stabs skull mask in the Head. He let's go of Kate immediately. Kate stands up and looks concerned in Amy's direction. And this was the last thing Amelia saw before everything went black.



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Hey Guys!
I know it's been a while but I didn't found enough time to Update. This was a short Chapter but the next one will be longer. In the next Chaptee there will be more Nick and Amy moments! Hope you like it! Tell me what you think!

Best wishes ❤

Insane Nights! Nick Goode (FS: 1994-1666)Where stories live. Discover now