Chapter 12

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Insane Nights--》 Chapter 12


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"Police Station"

On the other side of the town, Nick Goode is sitting in his office chair, doing paper work. The only thing that could be heard were Hope's adorable little snores, when there suddenly was a soft knock on the door and Nick's assistant walks in. "There was an accident in Shadysides local Supermarket. One dead person, One injured Teenager and three other Teenagers in shock. You are needed there Sheriff." Nick nodded slowly still looking on the Papers. "Do we have names?" "The only thing I know one of the Teenagers was the girl that was here to see you early that night. What was her Name again? Oh I know, Amelia Andrea Claire!" Nick's heartbeat stopped for a second, only to pick up rapidly after. He shoot up from his chair and hastily pulls his jacket on. "I'm on my way." Aware that he couldn't leave little Hope alone, he carefully took her and began walking to his car rather fast.

'5 minutes later, Shadyside Supermarket'

Denna and Sam waited long for the Police to arrive. Finally they saw the Sherrifs car pulling up. Hastily 5he Towns Sheriff got out with a little girl in his arms, looking around frantically.  "Sheriff Goode!" Sam yells over the parking lot, where they were standing, to him. His eyes shoot in their direction and walked, more like run over to them. "Where... where is she?" Nick asks calming is nerves slowly. "Please tell me she survived, please." He almost begs. Denna and Sam looking wide eyed at each other. They only now realized that what's going on between Amy and Nick isn't just some stupid crush, no it was love. Denna is the first one to break out of the shock from the realization they just had. "No, she isn't dead but injured. They drove her to the Hospital already. Kate's with her... Simon didn't make it." A wave of relief rolled over knowing his Amy was save. "I... We will talk later ok? Now I just want to see your friend." Nick tells the two teenagers, walking back to his car and driving back into the darkness of the night. Nick's thoughts were running wild in his Head. 'How the hell could this happen? Is Amy going to make it? Who did this? How is Amy going to react, when she finds out one of her Best Friends is dead?' Even if Nick didn't wanted to belive it but he knew why this happen. It's the same thing that happend on 19th July 1978, the night that traumatized him for the rest of his life. The Hospital sign came already is his view and Nick drove even faster then before  if that was even possible. 'Hold on my love, I'm almost there.'

'Meanwhile on the other side of the Town'

Daniel Claire just got Home from his work and finally wanted to check up on his children, only to find the House empty. He called their names through the whole house but he still got no response. A thought came to his mind: 'Did they ran away?' Daniel knows he wasn't fair to his children after the dead of his wife but he just couldn't look at them and not remembering his lost wife. He knows it wasn't fair either to leave a 17 year old girl taking care of her newly born sister after losing her Mom aswell but he couldn't help it. Everytime he looked at the little Girl he just could think about the fact that his wife died giving birth to her, that she is the reason his wife is dead. He tried he really did but he just couldn't and he doesn't think he ever can, look or hold her. Daniel came back to his sense when the house Telefon rang. He wasn't prepared for the message that the Hospital told him and he realized now even more what a Bad father he was. 'My babygirl is hurt. I could have lost her' Daniel shocked thinks.


Nick just pulled up to the entrance of the Hospital. From the outside you thought he was calm but inside he was in reality freaking out. Walking to the Hospital entrance  he needed to turn around again to go to his car again. "Sorry, little girl, I totally forget your still here." Nick says Lightly chuckling to himself. After gotten Hope out  he entered the Hospital. Everything smelled so after disinfectants. He hated that smell. Nick finally spotted the reception. With fast and loud steps he walked over. People who were waiting looked confused at the Sheriff, not knowing he had kids. One Person, A guy looked over more intense. As the guy sees him and the babygirl he makes his way over to the Sheriff. Nick who just arrived at the reception hasn't noticed the Guy yet. "I'm here for Amelia Andrea Claire. I want to see her. Could you tell me the room number from the room she is staying in, please?" Nick politely asks. Suddenly, before the receptionist could answer Nick, a voice behind him speaks angrily up. "No he can not tell you the room number! Firstly: Why do you have that babygirl with you?! And secondly: What the hell do you want from my sister?!"



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Hey Guys!
I know it's been long since I have last Updated but I just didn't found the right time and then I needed to edited the story as well and that took quite some time but here is a new Chapter. Next Chapter the first Time we will have Liam in this story!!!
I wanted to thank all of you for supporting me! And a big thank you to reirats70. Thank you for all your support and for asking me How I feel! Thank you!❤ But a big thank you to all the other readers who have read my book so far and commented! Love you all! ♥

Best wishes

Insane Nights! Nick Goode (FS: 1994-1666)Where stories live. Discover now