Chapter 9

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"Okay Leader Kage. I need you to push for me." Healer Phineas ordered calmly, completely oblivious to the fiery pain that originated from my lady parts as I groaned in agony.

I gritted my teeth, my body automatically doing what Nature intended as the worst cramp in the fucking universe spread through my body like wildfire. Scathing, agonized curses streamed past my lips in an incoherent stream. Julienne was pale beside me, wincing as I crushed her hand in my grip. Yasmina was positioned behind me, propping up my upper body so that I had no choice but to fucking push. Fuck. Them. All.

After ten agonizing seconds, I flopped back against Yasmina breathlessly. I was panting like I just ran a fucking triathlon, sweat slicking my hair back and making my palm slip against Julienne's. I didn't even fucking bother thinking about where Yasmina produced a washcloth from, only that I could fucking kiss the ancient Seer now when she mopped up the sweat on my forehead and neck.

I had only a brief minute before Hell terrorized my body once more. Panting like a mad woman as Healer Phineas confidently coached me through it. I wanted to fucking hack off his excited grin with one of my daggers as he stared at my exposed vagina. So far, I refrained from killing him only because of his calm professionalism in the face of my personal body parts. But now that he was beaming down ecstatically at who knows what, I wanted to fucking pluck out his eyeballs.

"!?" I growled venomously. Phineas was unperturbed, too excited to realize that he was about point two seconds away from meeting his demise.

"I can see the head Leader Kage! About two more pushes and you'll be holding a healthy baby boy!" He explained merrily as if my fucking vagina wasn't being stretched painfully at the seams.

I was going to fucking castrate him.

I moaned in exhaustion. We've been at this for eight hours straight, something the old Healer assured me was completely normal for a first time pregnancy. Well, it sure as fuck didn't feel normal. Labor was like the worst period cramps on steroids minus the fact a kid the size of a watermelon was forcing its way out of a hole that was beyond too fucking small. Completely wiped out by the whole ordeal, I wasn't entirely sure that I had two pushes left in me. Next time I see Lucien in the Great Beyond, I was going to kill him all over again. I fucking swear...

"Push, Leader Kage. Push!"

Yasmina murmured words of encouragement in my ear as I screamed from the pain, no longer able to hold it at bay for all of our sakes. Gods, I must've been breaking the sound barrier. Julienne looked as if she was moments away from fainting, this time holding me for support as she swayed. I wanted to snap at her for her gaze being glued to my vajayjay but I was completely focused as the worst pain in entire my life ripped through my lower body followed by this intense release of pressure, took my breath away. A couple of heartbeats later, a loud piercing wail broke the sudden quiet.

I was in a daze. The beating of my own heart pounding in my ears as Healer Phineas laid this tiny, bloody, screaming bundle on my chest with a proud grin. I didn't know what to do with it, it's cries both relieving and scaring the shit out of me as Yasmina whispered joyfully in my ear.

"Well done, child. Well done."

My son was a pruny, bloody mess with ten fingers and ten toes and weighed a healthy weight of ten pounds and three ounces. With a head full of midnight hair that was all me and eyes the color of the sea that completely belonged to his father, I felt myself fall in love at first sight for the very first time.

Ever since I learned of his existence, I finally knew what to do. The world fell into the background as I lifted my hands and held my son, soothing his cries with gently fingers as I clutched him to my chest. I didn't give a flying fuck that he was covered in unspeakable gunk or that he literally just came out of my vagina, he was fucking perfect. I kissed his hair softly as he snuffled against my breasts, ignoring the gentle tug in my nether regions as Phineas snipped the birthing cord. I snapped out a hand so that I could clean up my son, not wanting to part with him just yet though I still had to push out the placenta. Fucking gross by the way.

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