Ch. 3 "Wait"

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                                                        Steve POV 

Every time any of us attempt to approach the small girl, she backs up and tenses, so I decided to work with her just me, 

So I walked in the room, with a tray of food and a cup of juice, 

"Hello again, I got you something to eat and drink, I'm sure you are hungry," I said with a smile, 

She had her back pressed against the corner wall, 

I sat the tray on the counter close to her, along with the juice, and I sat there and waited, 

She didn't move, like a terrified animal, she stayed put and didn't move, 

"You know I'm not going to hurt you," I said 

She didn't look at me, I sat on the single chair, watching her movements, 

She slowly slid down the wall sitting on the floor, 

"That can't be too comfortable," I said smiling at her, 

Still nothing, 

                                        Jaylynn POV 

I was sat against the wall, when the man Steve just sat there in the chair waiting for me to say something, 

But I couldn't I was too scared of these people, 

"Aren't you going to eat I'm sure you are hungry," He said smiling at me like everything was fine, 

I looked at the tray, 

Am I allowed to? 

I don't think I'm allowed, 

I brought my knees to my chest, 

Steve got up, And I immediately tried to make myself look as small as possible and I scoot back, 

"Hey, Hey, it's alright I'm not going to hurt you," Steve said taking a step towards me, 

I scooted back again, my breathing rapid and shallow, I was terrified, I was so scared I didn't know who any of these people were, 

Or what they wanted, why do they have me in this room, 

"Okay, Okay, I'll stay put right here okay," Steve said squatting down

I stayed tense as he was still a little too close, I thought 

                                                         Steve POV 

This poor kid, she's so terrified, afraid of even the littlest movement, I can't even get even close to her she's too scared of us, 

What the hell did they do to her? I thought 

I looked at her the fear in her eyes, 

If I ever get a hold of them bastards they are going to pay, making a kid a child this afraid of anyone she comes in contact with, 

There is one thing I am certain of is that I'm glad we were the one's that found her, and I'm going to make her understand that we are not here to hurt her, 

I am going to show her that we are here to help her, keep her safe, 

I don't know why but I feel like she needs me, and I'm going to be there, I'm going to sit here as long as it takes for her to trust me, 

I will sit here for weeks if i have to to show her I'm not going to harm her in any way, I thought as I looked at the fear in her eyes, 

I just hope it will be sooner rather than later,

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