Ch. 5 "Chase"

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                                                         Jaylynn POV 

I ran as fast as I could the wind blowing my hair back as I ran, 

I look behind me to see Steve and another man, he had a metal arm, I know him they talked about him all the time, 

Winter solider, 

I looked ahead, running across the busy highway, 

Dodging cars, horns beeping, cars slamming on their breaks making the tires squeal, 

Suddenly as I was almost across the highway, a car hit me at full speed, causing me to roll a few times on the cement, 

I groaned 

using my forearms to get up from the ground I stood up shaking off the hit and ran, 

"Wait!" I hear Steve yell 

I ran down the sidewalk, cutting down a alley, seeing a chain link fence, 

I picked up the speed, and bounced my feet off the brick wall and did a backflip landing on the other side in a squatting position my left hand in-between my ankles, 

I blow my hair out of my face looking back at Steve and winter soldier the pure shock on their faces, 

I stood up and took off running down the alley, 

only to see that I ran into a bit of a problem a brick wall dead end, 

My chest rising and falling at a rapid pace, 

my hands pressed against the wall, 

No, No, No, I thought 

I spin around to see them gaining on me, my back pressed against the wall, I spin around looking at the wall, balling up my hand, into a fist, and punched the brick wall, 

Which caused a massive dent, 

You see they did something to me in HYDRA I can't recall, I was too young, but they were training me, testing my skills, 

My strength has never been matched, my speed, senses everything enhanced, 

I punched the wall with all my might again, causing a massive hole in the brick wall and I continued to run, 

Once I left the building I looked around in a panic what I could use to my advantage, because obviously Steve wasn't giving up, and with the winter soldier backing him up, 

Things were only going to get worse, 

I climb the fire escape making it to the roof, 

I see the gap between buildings, 

You can do this, you can do this, I thought as I back up and got a running start and jumped over the gap, tucking and rolling on the other side, 

I ran again roof to roof, until I ran out of roof, 

I looked down nothing to land on, 

I felt the tears forming in my eyes, I backed up as Steve and Winter solider approached me, I tried backing up, but I was on the edge, 

My lip quivering knowing full well that I was caught, 

Knowing full well I'm going to pay the price for this, 

                                        Steve POV 

We chased Jaylynn she was fast, and seeing her beak a brick wall it's confirmed what Tony told us, 

That she in fact does have the serum in her veins, 

As we approached her, she looked terrified, 

Tears welling up in her eyes, her lip quivering, 

I pressed my hand on Bucky's shoulder telling him to stop walking, 

I see the look in her eyes she thinks were going to hurt her, 

"Jaylynn it's okay," I said kneeling at her level, 

She looked at me, 

"Were not going to hurt you,lets go somewhere safe," I said holding my hand out to her, 

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