Ch. 4 "Fear"

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                                                  Jaylynn POV 

Have to admit Steve does have patience, so each day he comes he brings me food and something to drink, 

Then starts a conversation hoping he can get me to talk, 

Or let him near me, 

But I'm not buying this nice guy act, after what they put me though I'm not taking any chances, 

I stayed put at the same place each day and night the corner of the room, too afraid to move, too afraid if I do move I might get punished, 

I held my knees close to my chest, wishing I was somewhere else, 

                                          Steve POV 

I looked at the small girl, from the window she hasn't moved in a week, 

"Hey Cap your going to want to see this," Tony said 

"Right now?" I said not even sparing him a glance as I looked at the small girl, 

"Right now," Tony said 

I nodded walking away from the glass following Tony into the conference room where everyone sat, 

They all looked worried, 

"What is it?" I said 

Tony hit a button and pulled up a picture of the girl, but smaller younger, 

"Jaylynn" It said 

"Jaylynn?" I said 

"Yeah, that's her name, no last name, and there is something you and Barnes should know," Tony said 

"What?" I asked, 

"They used the remaining of the super soldier serum on her," Bruce said 

My eyes wide, 

"That's the reason for her being in a reenforced door," Tony said 

"What..." I said speechless 

"Were still looking into her last name and where her family is, but one things for sure, she's too afraid, which means they were not too friendly to her," Tony said 

I glared at him, 

"You think," I said 

Bucky put his hand on my shoulder, telling me to calm down, 

"Just keep working with her," Fury said 

I nodded, 

With that I walked out of the room, grabbing a tray of food and a drink apple juice, 

I walked in the room, and she was gone, 

I set the tray on the bed looking under the bed, rushing to the bathroom looking in the tub, 

I picked up my phone, 

"Yeah," Bucky said 

"She's gone I can't find her," I said in a panic, 

"She couldn't have gotten far, I'll let everyone know," Bucky said 

"Alright" I said in a panic, 

                                                    Jaylynn POV 

To say I was hungry was a understatement, but I didn't trust anything Steve brought me, so when he didn't come in at the regular time he normally comes in, 

I decided to take it upon myself to find something too eat, so I left the tower, 

I left to find something anything to eat I'm just so hungry, I thought as I staggered thought the streets, 

I just hope I can finally be at ease I'm just too afraid of anyone I come in contact with, I don't want to go back there again, 

I want to live life free, free of pain, free of looking over my shoulder, free of fear, I thought as I turned the corner 

I see him, 


He makes eye contact with me, 

The fear that ran up my spine, it was terrifying, 

His eyes didn't show a hint of anger, but concern and relief which I didn't understand, 

But I shook it off and took off running, 

"Wait!" I hear behind me, 

But I didn't listen all I did know is I had to run,

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