Ch. 8 "Comfortable"

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                                                             Steve POV 

Me and Bucky stood outside of the lab as Bruce talked to me, 

"Steve she's perfectly fine, nothing broken, no fractures, no sprains, no internal injuries, not even scratches," Bruce said 

Me and Bucky exchange looks, 

I know for a fact now they did use the serum on her, no one could jump six stories and not break a single bone, 

"The only things that concern me is, how skittish she is and how under weight she is," Bruce said 

I nodded, 

I looked in through the glass seeing her, she was tense, the blanket Bucky gave her still around her shoulders, 

She was looking around as if she was preparing for something to attack, 

"I'm working on it slowly," I said 

"Has she spoken yet?" Tony said walking towards us, 

"Nothing yet," I said looking in at her again, 

"Interesting," Tony said 

"Can you blame her, who knows what kind of shit they put her though," Bucky said 

I went to speak, But Bucky stopped me, 

"Don't say it," He said 

"Maybe if we make her feel more comfortable she will feel less tense," I said 

Everyone nodded, 

                                                Jaylynn POV 

I sat on the table preparing for whatever kind of pain, or other stuff they have planned, I am prepared, 

Always alert, I thought, 

I hear the door open, my head sun in that direction seeing Steve and Bucky walk in, 

Steve smiles at me gently trying to ease my mind but it has the opposite effect I want to know what they are planning for me, 

Was this all an act? 

Or do they really want to help? I thought 

"Jaylynn it's getting late how about we get you some sleep," Steve said smiling at me, 


I felt my eyebrows scrunch and my head tilt, 

When was the last time I had slept? I couldn't remember sleeping with one eye open worried about someone attacking me in my sleep, 

I was now standing, on solid ground, 

"It's okay," He said smiling at me, 

I hesitantly followed, he lead me to a door, that was purple, he opened it, 

The room was huge, with a giant bed, a bathroom, 

"Jaylynn this is your room, I'm next door and Bucky here is across the hall if you need anything, okay?" He said 

I hesitantly nodded, 

I looked up at them through my eyelashes, 

He smiled at me, nodding then slowly walked out with Bucky he looked as if he didn't want to leave, 

I grabbed the pillow from the bed, and crawled under the bed, 

Just incase, This was and is something I always do, just incase, I don't trust no one but myself, I just can't go through the hurt anymore, 

I just can't I thought, as I hugged the pillow close to me my knees close to my chest as my eyelids slowly fluttered shut, 

Hoping that I made the right choice, hoping I didn't learn to regret this, hoping that for once everything was going to be okay I thought

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