Ch. 7 "Bruce"

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                                                         Jaylynn POV 

I sat on the table of the room, they very scary room that brought back memories, terrifying memories, 

I had my arms crossed as I shivered, it was freezing in here, I thought, 

Why did I decide to trust him? I don't know these people, they could be just like them, 

Suddenly something was wrapped around me and I tensed and froze, 

"Easy shorty," The winter solider said holding up a hand saying that he means peace, 

I looked into his eyes then looked down, 

"Thought you might be cold, since you were shaking like a leaf," He said 

I didn't say anything, what could I say, 

Hey Mr Winter Solider I'm Jaylynn HYDRA trained me to be a lethal assassin just like you but they ended up leaving me behind, and i didn't exactly listen, Yeah right that would be one interesting conversation I thought as my eyes were trained on the floor, 

I pulled the blanket closer as it was over my shoulders like a cape, 

Suddenly the door opened, 

"Thank's Bucky," I hear Steve, 

"No problem Punk, I'll see you later," He said 

Why do I feel like I just lost a bunch of money at a casino and now I have to explain to someone why I'm broke, 

Yes I'm descriptive when I'm nervous and right now I'm extremely nervous, 

It got quiet, 

I slowly look up, to see Steve staring at me, 

I look back down quickly, 

I hear him pull up a chair, 

"While we wait for Bruce to come why don't we work on you trying to talk okay, I know you are uncomfortable with all of this," He said 

"But you need to trust me Jaylynn, were not here to hurt you," Steve said 

"And I know you've been though too much, but please you can trust me," Steve said 

My eyes darted back and forth, afraid, I was very afraid, afraid to talk, afraid to give in, afraid of everything, including myself, I can knock down a dang brick wall for crying out loud, 

Suddenly the door opened and slammed shut, a man in a white lab coat walked in, 

And I remember them in those kind of coats, 

Their voices echoing in my mind, 

"She's not going to make it,"

"She will she's strong"

I panicked and went to get up to leave, 

"Hey, Hey, Easy, Bruce is a friend, he won't hurt you," Steve said stopping me from running, or even getting up for that matter, 

I looked at Bruce, 

He smiled gently at me, 

"So what seems to be the problem," Bruce said 

"I just want to make sure she's alright, she did jump from a six story building," Steve said 

Bruce's eyes widen, 

Steve just nodded, 

"Alright," He said 

Bruce approached me and I tensed, Bruce stopped, 

"Jaylynn it's alright, he's just making sure you are alright," Steve said 

Steve smiled at me as if he was reassuring me that everything was okay, and nothing bad was going to happen, 

Maybe this was a mistake... I thought as I watched Bruce approach me, 

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