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Jaylynn POV

It has been a few months since Christmas and things have been... well terrible.
I've been having these extreme headaches it's so bad that I need to excuse myself from what I'm doing to go to the bathroom and jump in the shower with my clothes on and turn the cold water on just to ease the headache.
They get so bad I can't hear or focus.
I haven't told Bucky or Steve or anyone they have enough to worry about.

I was lost in thought as I was walking down the hallway only to be lifted from behind.
I stiffened a bit .
"We've been looking for you sugar plum." I heard Bucky's voices
I forced a smile.
"Here I am." I said
Bucky carried me to the living room where Steve and the others are sitting.
"You found her." Steve said getting up
"Yup was wondering around the hallway." Bucky said as he chuckled
Steve took me from Bucky's arms.
Then the headache came out of no where crashing like a train.
So hard to focus on what was going on.
Hard to hear what was being said.
Steve sat me down as he talked his voice was muffled.
I couldn't make out what was being said.
The crushing headache was getting worse.
"I have to use the bathroom." I said and ran to my room.
The pain was excruciating I got to the bathroom turned on the cold water in the shower and stood under the water this time it wasn't working nothing was working I didn't know what to do.
If I couldn't get rid of the headache I had to focus on another pain.
I was on my knees next to my bed and started slamming my forehead into the solid wall.
Focusing on this instead of my headache.
The was was denting but I didn't care.
I kept slamming and slamming my forehead into the wall.
"Miss you must stop before you injure yourself." I heard
But I continued to slam my head into the wall focusing on something else anything else.
Suddenly I am lifted from behind but I struggled trying to get out of my captors grip.
"Jaylynn stop it's us." I heard Steve's voice
He was now kneeling in front of me,
"Sweetheart what's going on?" He asked him and Bucky were looking at me with a look I've never seen before
I suddenly hugged Steve I was on my tip toes
"Make it stop." I said almost in tears

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