Ch. 12 "Attack"

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                                               Jaylynn POV 

My heart was beating a mile a minute, I was very very uncomfortable, this is awkward times ten, I thought as I sat at the table, 

Why well I am sitting at a giant table with each and everyone of Steve's friends, super heroes, Avengers which ever you want to call them, 

I didn't make eye contact, I couldn't I was trembling, 

I tried to keep my breathing even, 

Don't freak out, don't freak out, I kept repeating, 

I continued looking at the plate of food Steve gave me,

Truth be told never seen this kind of food before, it was round, fluffy with a sticky liquid over it, 

Sure HYDRA fed me, but nothing fancy just something like toast, or loaf, nothing like this, I thought 

I just pushed the food around with my fork, 

I don't want to be here, I thought 

I am afraid, very afraid, I thought 

"Jaylynn," I hear Steve say, 

But I don't look up my eyes just look down and dart around, 

Suddenly I'm touched which resulted in me flinching and dropping the fork it made a metallic noise when it hit the plate, 

I turn my head slowly, 

Steve was looking at me worried, 

I looked down again quickly, 

"Jaylynn were not going to hurt you," Steve said gently tucking some of my lose hair behind my ear, 

"Why don't you-" Steve began but suddenly alarms started blaring, 

"Friday what's going on?" A man's voice said 

I looked up seeing he had dark hair, and some kind of glowing thing under his shirt on his chest, 

"It seems we have intruders my indicators are picking up that it's HYDRA," The voice said 

"Where are they?" I hear a woman's voice, 

"They are getting on the main elevator, and are storming the south stairwell," The voice said 

"Alright, Rogers Barnes, Barton and Wilson stay here, 

"Me, Nat, Thor and Bruce will head to the south stairwell," The man said 

"Twins and Peter got to the main entrance prevent anymore of them from coming in," The man said again

Everyone nodded, 

"Well there goes breakfast," Winter said everyone stood up to do their thing,

"Jaylynn stay close," Steve said looking down at me, 

I nodded getting off of the chair, 

Everyone covered the Elevator, 

My one hand wrapped around Steve's leg while the other clutched on his pant leg, 

The elevator door opened, and there stood HYDRA agents everywhere, 

The leader of the agents I remember him he's very mean, he was the one that trained me, 

He made eye contact with me, I squeezed his pant leg without thinking, I was terrified, 

"Hello there Mini Solider," He said smiling at me sinisterly 

I swallowed thickly, 

I felt Steve put his hand on top of my head gently, 

"She's the priority," My trainer said 

All the HYDRA agents nodded, 

"You do know were still here right? we can hear you," The archer said 

"Yes, that is why I'm giving you a choice surrender her to us without a fight and we won't kill you," my trainer said 

"Like hell," Winter solider said 

"Ahh, Winter solider been a long time," My trainer said 

"Not long enough, now leave and I won't kill each and everyone of you painfully," Winter solider said with venom, 

"HAHAHA you can try but were not leaving without her," My trainer said looking at me, 

"Your not getting her," Steve said his voice filled with anger, 

My trainer smirked, 

"You have no idea who she is do you Captain? have you told him Mini solider," He said smirking at me, 

I looked away, I don't really know what he is talking about but I don't like him looking at me, 

"What are you babbling about?" The dark skinned man said 

"Go ahead Mini Solider tell them," My trainer said 

"Tell them what we were doing to you," He said making eye contact with me, but I was too scared to even move 


"She speaks when she feels like it," Winter solider said getting angry, 

"That's not what she was trained for," My trainer said 

"That's it I've hear enough," Winter solider said firing a shot at the agents and that's when all hell broke lose, 

Somehow I got separated from Steve, 

I see Steve on the floor about to get up, but my trainer had a gun aimed at his head, 

And for the first time in a long time, or the first time ever since I've met Steve I spoke, 

"NO!" I yelled 

I charged Punching my trainer in the stomach, I guess I don't know my own strength because once I punched him he went flying that he hit the wall on the far side of the room that some of the wall fell along with him, 

Everyone stopped what they were doing including HYDRA seeing the strength I hold behind this small body, 

"Jesus.." I hear the dark skinned man say, 

"Retreat!!" HYDRA said 

Everyone was staring at me in shock, I looked down, 

Maybe that wasn't the best idea, I thought 

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