Part Four

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June 20th LA Concention Centre 12:45
The cast of 'The Supersons Of Tomorrow' were gathered to promote the movie, well the younger cast so the Supersons and Teen Titans. They were sitting on a couch or behind the couch in front of the camera for a Teen Vogue YouTube video. They sat there getting ready while the crew set up the cameras and jars on the table while they waited they started talking amongst themselves. Until they got the signal that they could start.

"Hi we are the cast of The Supersons of Tomorrow" they all said

"We are here with Teen Vogue and we are going to be playing Truth or Dare" Damian continued

"Garfield you first" Jon said

"Okay give me the dare jar" Gar replied

"Here" Damian stated

"Okay so here it goes, oh let the person to your left slap you across the face" Gar said

Gar turned to his left and allowed Rachael to smack him across the face

"Give me the truth jar" Rachael stated

"This will be good" Wally smirked

"Have you ever made out with someone in this room?, god" Rachael sighed

"You have to answer" Kori said

"The answer is yes, yes I have" Rachael laughed

"Who" Jon asked curious

"Damian and Gar" Rachael replied

"Moving on, I'll choose a dare. Cartwheel from one side of the room to the other, pfft easy" Damian said standing

He took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves and began cartwheeling from one side of the room to the others and back even though it was unnecessary

"Show off" Kaldur said

"I'm good at what I do" Damian replied

"My turn" Jon cheered

"Truth or Dare" Damian asked

"Dare" Jon replied

"Here" Kaldur said

"Let the player to your left change your hairstyle, Damian don't do anything to strange" Jon stated

"Tt, I'm going to have fun with this" Damian replied

"Jon I'd hate to be you" Gar laughed

Damian and Jon left the couch so they could change Jon's hair while the others continued

"Okay I'll pick Truth, How many selfie's do you take a day" Kaldur said

"So how many is it" Wally asked

"Let me check" Kaldur replied

"Base it off yesterday's amount" Kori stated

"Okay yesterday I took sixty eight" Kaldur stated

"That many" Kori said shocked

"Hey when you look this good you have to" Kaldur joked

"Okay Kori it's your turn" Gar said

"Dare" Kori replied

"Here" Wally said handing up the jar

"So I have to, that disgusting, I have to eat a tablespoon of treacle" Kori said

"Here's the treacle" Kaldur said

As Kori ate the spoonful her face scrunched up from the disgusting taste before Damian and Jon walked in. Damian had straightened out Jon's hair getting rid of the curls and waviness of it.

"Eww" Kori said

"It's not that bad" Jon replied

"No it's the treacle she had too eat" Gar replied

"West I believe it's your turn" Damian stated

"Okay truth, lets see Who do I text the most" Wally asked himself

"So who" Jon asked

"Well from the cast, it's Gar and from everyone it's my Mom" Wally replied

They finished off the rest of the game

"We have been the cast of 'The Supersons of Tomorrow'" they all said

"And make sure to catch us in cinemas on June 28th" Jon followed on

With that the cameras stopped rolling and they all jumped off the couch and stretched after sitting for a long period of time. Those who picked dares which required people writing on them went to clean off.

"Should we all go get coffee or something" Wally asked

"I'm down" Jon replied

"Same" Kaldur and Gar said in unison

"No can do, I'm busy" Damian stated

"Doing what" Rachael asked

"Just busy" Damian replied

"Okay well let's get to it" Kori stated

Damian left while the group all left together and went to get coffee and some food.

"So Jon what's this about a new secret project" Kori asked

"Whatever do you mean?" Jon questioned

"There's a rumour floating around that after the next season of your show you'll be doing another movie" Rachael stated

"Oh yeah, I am" Jon replied

"What movie" Wally asked

"It's a secret, can't have any leaks" Jon smiled

"Ohh that's how you're going to play it" Kori stated

"I'll tell you closer to the time, now let's talk about something else" Jon stated

"Okay why did Damian straighten your hair" Wally asked

"Because I didn't want him to cut it so he went to bleach it and I wouldn't let him" Jon replied

"He was going to bleach your hair, that would have been a funny sight" Gar laughed

"That's why I didn't let him do it" Jon said

"So we aren't all together again until the premiere are we" Kaldur asked

"No, we are we have the interview on the 26th together" Rachael answered

"Oh yeah, that's going to be great" Wally stated

"Maybe for you guys, as much as I like all of this. I hate the interviews" Gar said

"That's because when you're with us, no one talks to you" Kori laughed

"Hey that's not very nice, but true" Jon stated

"True or not they always ask stupid questions like if you were Beast Boy what animal would be your favourite and stupid things like that" Gar exclaimed

"We all get asked questions like that, why does it bother you so much" Wally asked

"Because it's constantly repeated" Gar answered

The group spent the next hour sitting in that cafe talking away until they decided it was time to leave so they could prepare for the coming week of promotion for the movie. While the others had been out Damian was preparing for his public appearances over the next few days he was purchasing new clothing and was changing other things while spending the day with his Mother.

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