Part Fourteen

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January 29th Damian's trailer 08:30
Damian and Jon were lying in the bed wrapped in each other's arms when Titus jumped up on the bed and crawled up in between their heads and began to lick Damian's face. Damian began to stir and sat up after picking up the puppy.

"I'm awake, I'm awake" Damian said petting the dog

"I'm asleep and trying to stay asleep" Jon said not opening his eyes

"You're always trying to sleep, Titus wake up Kent" Damian ordered

The dog jumped off Damian and onto Jon and began licking Jon's face

"Okay, okay stop it I'm waking up" Jon said wiping the slobber off his face

"Good morning" Damian laughed

"You know sometimes I regret getting you that dog" Jon stated

"No you don't, you love me and you love Titus" Damian said

"But I also love sleeping" Jon stated

"If you had to pick between me and sleep which would you pick?" Damian asked

"Ehhh" Jon replied

"You have to think about it?" Damian questioned

"I'm kidding, you of course" Jon laughed

"Hmm, I'm going to get breakfast. And I might bring you something, or I might grab something for Titus. The choices" Damian sighed

"I was joking, I can't tell if you are" Jon questioned

"And I guess you'll find out when I come back" Damian said kissing him with a smirk

After the two had their breakfast and fed Titus, they headed to the costume and make-up trailers before heading to the set where Cassie was warming up.

"Hey guys, Jon where were you I knocked on your door and you weren't there" Cassie asked

"I was with Damian" Jon said with a duh tone forgetting that Cassie didn't know

"You and Damian usually do your sleepover on the last day of filming" Cassie stated

"Yeah we do..." Jon began

"Okay everyone ready" Taylor asked

There was a collective yes from both cast and crew as the extras dressed as Zombies and main cast took their positions.

"Action" Taylor announced

"That's... a lot of undead" Jon exclaimed

"If she's alive, my Mother will be in the panic room, under the vault" Damian stated

"You stay back and we'll- -" Cassie started

Damian vaulted over the wall and threw prop batarangs and smoke bombs

"He's kind of, infuriatingly, living up to that costume, isn't he?" Cassie asked

"He really is. Come on" Jon replied proudly

An action scene then followed as a fight broke out between the zombies and three young heroes. After the fight they headed into the vault of the bank.

"I can't see through that wall" Jon exclaimed

"Of course not. It wouldn't be much of a safe house for Assassins if Superman could just peek in" Damian replied in a duh tone

"Do you think she's in there?" Jon asked

"Let's find out" Cassie remarked tearing open the fake wall

"Hello Damian" Talia stated

"Ms.Al-Ghul. We're here to rescue you" Jon exclaimed

"From the pile of Monsters I've murdered?" Talia replied unamused

"Uh...yes?" Jon questioned unsure

"Damian, what are you wearing and why is this one with you?" Talia asked Damian staring at Jon

"Because I'm his best friend" Jon replied

"Is he?" Talia questioned

"Yes" Damian replied

"He seems so...innocent" Talia remarked

"We can't all be raised by assassins, Mother" Damian replied

"No. I suppose not. A shame" Talia stated

"It's really not" Cassie replied crossing her arms

"And why are you wearing that?" Talia asked

"You know why" Damian replied

"I don't believe you" Talia exclaimed

"I was...going to see him. You can come...if you'd like. I have an invisible jet parked on the roof" Damian said

"It...uhh...has a few bits of Kite Man on it" Jon said rubbing the back of his head

"And cut, if you all want to go take thirty go and we will reconvene on the Batcave set" Taylor announced

"Damian" Talia stated

"Yes Mother" Damian replied

"Where are you going, I thought we could spend some time together since we haven't seen each other in ages" Talia exclaimed

"But I made..." Damian began

"Dami we can always hang out later" Jon said leaving with Cassie

"I guess I'm free now" Damian sighed

"So what's new with you" Talia asked as they walked

"Nothing much, still the same apart from I am currently involved with someone romantically" Damian replied

"Let me guess, the Kent boy" Talia said

"What?, How'd you know?" Damian asked

"It's obvious" Talia smirked

"I don't think it is" Damian stated

"It is, the way you act around each other and the way you look at each other. It's so obvious that you are both smitten with each other" Talia exclaimed

"Are you mad?" Damian questioned

"No why would I be mad, Damian while myself and your father don't get along and me and you don't see each other often. I couldn't be more proud of you, and as long as you are happy I am happy" Talia replied

"Well would you like to meet him as my boyfriend instead of a cast member or friend" Damian asked

"Why not" Talia replied

Talia and Damian walked back towards Damian's trailer where they found Jon playing with Titus on the floor of the trailer.

"Hi Dami, Ohh Ms.Al-Ghul" Jon said shocked

"Kent she knows" Damian stated

"Did you tell her or did she know" Jon asked

"Why ask that" Damian questioned

"You said she knows not that you told her" Jon answered

"I knew it was quiet obvious" Talia stated

"Well now your acquainted" Damian said

They sat in the trailer talking until it was time to head back to the set to film the scene where Stephanie became The Robin to Damian's Batman. After filming wrapped that day Steph, Cassie, Jon and Damian all headed to the Studios cafeteria and sat around joking while talking until they all decided to go out for Ice Cream before heading back to the studio to go to bed.

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