Part Twenty

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August 9th The Safari Hotel 09:15am
It was early in the morning and the sun was already up and it was scorching hot outside, but the AC in the room was up full, windows open and the blinds pulled down a certain amount to let as little sun in as possible as Jon began to stir from his sleep. When he woke he got up and got breakfast ready for Damian before walking up and waking him and giving him the food.

"Happy Birthday babe" Jon exclaimed kissing him

"Thank you beloved" Damian replied

"We have a full day today" Jon exclaimed

"Don't I know it you walked me through the plan five times, and I thought I was the over bearing planner in the relationship" Damian said

"I just wanted to make sure you had fun and enjoy yourself" Jon stated

"And I will, so let's eat breakfast and get started" Damian said

The two ate their food before getting into their clothes and applying insect spray and sunscreen which Damian needed less of them Jon due to his darker skin tone, which caused Damian to laugh at Jon because of how much he put on. They then left the Hotel and got into the truck with their guide and began the safari. They travelled for an hour and half before coming to their first stop.

"Babe, look at the group of Giraffes they are so majestic looking" Jon said over excited

"Beloved it's a tower of giraffes, not a group" Damian corrected

"Sorry Mr.Wayne" Jon said mockingly

"And I know they are, they use their necks as weapons to fight each other because of the amount of muscle they have in them" Damian stated

"You really are a know it all" Jon exclaimed

"And you love that about me" Damian smirked

"I love everything about you except the ego and the hatred for your family and very much loved things like birthdays" Jon replied

"I think it adds to my charm" Damian stated

As they drove around the hot scorching plains of the savannah they saw herds of Buffalo and Elephants, a Pride of Lions, a Bloat of Hippos, a Cackle of Hyenas, a Coalition of Cheetahs and a Crash of Rhinos. They would have liked to get up close and personal with the animals but due to the danger presented by them, they couldn't. They began the journey back to the resort as the sun began the set, as they walked into their rooms and got wifi and cell service their phones began to blow up.

"I have a ton of miss calls from the studio" Damian exclaimed

"Me too" Jon stated looking at him

"I'll call them back and see what it's about you order room service and get dinner because I am famished" Damian ordered

"Will do Babe, anything you want in particular?" Jon asked

"Whatever has no meat" Damian replied walking off

Jon read through the menu and called down to the front desk for room service and ordered the food before jumping onto the bed as Damian came back in.

"What did they want?" Jon asked

"They are cancelling Supersons" Damian replied

"What, why the shows a hit" Jon exclaimed

"I know, we are getting a season 'Challenge of the Supersons' but that's outside main continuity as a goodbye type thing, you have to return to your fathers show for some big thing with your grandfather and I have to go full time Teen Titans and go off the rails and run away" Damian stated

"Sounds like fun, as soon as we get back I am having words with them. I do not want this to happen they can't just cancel Supersons" Jon said furiously

"They can and did, and when they announce it they are going to watch all they have built burn to the ground" Damian said in agreement

"And doing it on your birthday, real classy move by them. We should just quit, stick it to them" Jon suggested

"No, if we quit Supersons doesn't return ever" Damian stated

"You're right, you don't think it's because we are dating now and they don't want that in the way of filming, do you?" Jon asked

"I wouldn't agree but I wouldn't disagree, who knows why they do what they do" Damian replied

"Okay then, let's forget about it, it didn't happen we enjoy the rest of our trip and deal with it when we get home" Jon said

"I like your thinking Beloved, it's forgotten" Damian stated

"What's forgotten" Jon asked trying not to laugh

The two sat on the bed cuddling until the food arrived which they ate out on the balcony over looking the Savannah Plains in the cool night time air. When they finished they turned the TV on as they cuddled in bed before sleeping to prepare for the busy day and the busy weeks ahead of them.

.The End.

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