Part Seventeen

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June 8th Vicki Vale show set 18:45
Jon and Damian were in their dressing rooms before heading to meet Cassie in the food court where they sat and talked. The whole time Jon and Damian were being awkward because they wanted to act like a couple but didn't know wether they were going to or not because they didn't know wether they were ready to tell everyone or not.

"We begin in twenty" a crew member called

"So what are you two going to do" Cassie asked

"I dunno, what happens happens" Jon replied

"Damian you seem very laid back" Cassie stated

"Yeah so what, I am not going to panic about it" Damian said

"Should we get going?" Jon asked

"Let's" Cassie stated

The three got ready and headed toward the main stage, they talked to Vicki for a bit before sitting down and getting ready to go live.

"Hello everyone, and welcome back to another episode of the Vicki Vale show. Tonight we have a jam packed evening full of talking, laughter, music and games. Up first we have some of the cast of DCeased Hope at A World's End to promote the movie and to play a short game while they are here" Vicki stated into the camera

As she did so it zoomed out and Cassie, Jon, Damian, Steph and Clark walked out onto to the stage and sat on the couch and armchair beside Vicki's desk in that order.

"Well I would like to thank you all for joining me again" Vicki said

"Thanks for having us back" Clark replied

"So let's not waste anytime, Damian, myself and the fans are dying to know since you evaded all leaks and only have one shot in the trailer do you get your own Batsuit or are you Robin" Vicki asked

"Vicki, if I could tell you I wouldn't, my lips are sealed you'll have to wait and see" Damian answered

"Stephanie, was that you in a Robin uniform or were we seeing things" Vicki followed

"As the Spoiler, I feel like I have to do this but yes, yes I did get back into the old Robin uniform" Steph replied earning a laugh from the crowd over her awful Spoiler jokes

"Very funny indeed Stephanie. Now Cassie, you need to tell us what's it like working with the Supersons, was it easy or did you have to pry to get in" Vicki asked

"Jon was very welcoming and I got in just fine, but I'm still chipping away at Damian" Cassie replied

"That's what I thought, how was it working as Wonder Girl beside this Robin and Superboy instead of Tim and Kon's and which did you prefer?" Vicki asked

"That's tough, I have enjoyed the experience of working with both pairs and I feel because I am older by a year instead of younger with these guys it was easier to play off of them, but just because of the length of time I worked with Tim and Kon I would have to say them but that by no means that I don't like these two" Cassie laughed

Their segment on the show went on for another fifteen minutes, but just before they finished Vicki asked a question the boys were half expecting not to come up.

"So last question of the night, Jon and Damian can you address the rumours that you two have moved in with each other" Vicki asked

"Well we have, and it's no ones business" Damian said as nicely as possible

"So then can we assume that the rumours are true and that you two are dating" Vicki questioned

"Yes, yes they are" Jon exclaimed

Damian as much as he had said he didn't care what people thought, began to break down on the inside and was just hoping that they would be off the air soon so he could go somewhere quiet and get out of the public eye. The interview didn't last much longer then that.

"And join us after the break for more" Vicki stated into the camera

"Cut" the camera man said

"Thank you guys, it was great to have you back" Vicki exclaimed

"It was great to be back" Clark replied

Damian stood up without saying anything and just left

"What's up with him?" Steph asked

"I dunno" Jon replied following him with Cassie

They ran to Damian's dressing room and found his bathroom door closed

"Dami, you okay?" Jon said opening the door and walking in

He saw Damian in the corner on the ground and Jon closed the door behind him and hunched down in front of Damian.

"Dami, are you okay?" Jon asked concerned

"I'll be fine" Damian replied

"Hey you need to talk to me if your not, no more bottling things up inside" Jon exclaimed

"I thought I was fine with it, but now that it has happened, I am scared and terrified of others will say and think" Damian stated

"Hey I am too, but then I remember it doesn't matter what they think as long as I am with you no one else matters" Jon said reassuringly

"Kent I love you" Damian said pulling him into a kiss

"And I you, should we go home now. We can do your favourite thing" Jon replied

"What's that" Damian asked

"Cuddling on the couch in front of the TV with me" Jon replied

"Let's go" Damian replied

They left the dressing room and went to Damian car and drove back to their apartment where they cuddled up on the couch and turned on the TV and browsed through the channels. They then ordered take away and ate that while continuing to watch TV and cuddle.

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