Part Fifteen

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February 18th WB Studio 13:45
Jon went for a nap in Damian's trailer because the scenes he was shooting today was after a scene with just Damian, Cassie and Talia in the Garden of Gotham. They would then shoot a scene with Jon which was after a different scene but they were shooting both scenes today to make it easier. Damian was drinking coffee while waiting for the filming to begin.

"Isn't that like your fifth today" Cassie asked

"So what?" Damian questioned

"That's got to be bad for you" Cassie stated

"Is everyone ready" Taylor announced entering

"Steph isn't here to act dead yet" Damian replied

"So you could say I'm dead late" Steph laughed

"You're not funny" Damian said deadpan staring at her

"Okay everyone in position. 3,2,1 action" Taylor exclaimed

"I'm sorry, Damian. I didn't know Steph like you did" Cassie said walking up behind him

"No" Damian stated

"Do you want to tell me about her?" Cassie asked

"Steph...drove me CRAZY! She always tried to find fun in the most inappropriate situations. She refused to take me seriously. She MOCKED me" Damian replied

"Well of course she did. That's what big sisters are supposed to do" Cassie stated

"Damian" Talia exclaimed

"Don't. For once Mother. Please just don't be you" Damian replied

"I wasn't going to, I wasn't" Talia said getting down beside Steph

"What are you doing?" Damian asked

"I heard you talking. There is a Lazarus Pit. Just one I know of. And it can only be used once. I thought about using it for your father, but I realised he would return corrupted, by the virus still in his mind" Talia answered

"You can bring Steph back?" Cassie asked

"Perhaps. But there's no guarantee she'll be the same. Damian. The only way your Grandfather has ever been able to show he cares is by hurting anyone who crossed me. I recognise that shortcoming in myself. I'd like to do this for you" Talia exclaimed

"I can come with you" Damian offered

"No. I can move more freely by myself. And Batman is needed here, the Anti-life army will be here soon" Talia said walking with Steph in her arms

"And scene" Taylor announced

"Talia you can put me down now" Steph said

"Can somebody go get Jon" Taylor asked

"Titus boy go get Kent" Damian ordered

Titus followed the order and ran towards Damian's trailer, and went through the doggy door and jumped up onto the bed and began licking Jon.

"I'm up, will you stop licking me" Jon stated

The puppy barked back

"I know I'm getting ready I'll be there in a minute, jeez you are Damian's dog you have the same temperament" Jon exclaimed

Jon got dressed and headed to the set following the puppy all the way back to Damian, once ready Taylor shouted action and filming began.

"You two ready?" Damian asked

"It's really not something you can be ready for" Cassie remarked

"No. I guess not" Damian exclaimed

"You're on the wall?" Jon questioned

"Yeah" Damian replied

"I'd tell you to be careful, but that's not really an option. Just...don't do anything recklessly stupid" Jon stated

"Thanks" Damian said

"I mean that with love" Jon assured

"I know" Damian replied

"Jon. Cassie. Time to get in place" Clark said floating in with Dinah on a harness

"Damian. I know you're not really a hugger so just stand there...and we'll do all the work" Cassie exclaimed as her and Jon hugged him with a wide eyed shocked expression

"End scene" Taylor stated

"You can stop hugging me now" Damian exclaimed

"Fine we'll stop" Cassie sighed

They stuck around to shoot a few action scenes before heading for dinner with their cast mates before heading back to the trailer.

"Dami" Jon said

"Uh huh" Damian questioned while putting water in Titus' bowl

"Do you know when we are done?" Jon asked

"Sometime next week" Damian replied

"So what do you wanna do for the time being before we film again" Jon questioned

"I can think of a few things" Damian said standing up

"Like what" Jon asked

"This" Damian said kissing him

"Can we really do this for days" Jon questioned

Next there was a knock on the door

"Oh I forgot to say, I invited Cassie over to watch a movie" Jon said

"You invited someone to my trailer" Damian questioned

"Yeah, hey Cassie" Jon stated opening the door

"Hey Jon, Damian" Cassie said

"Kent, May I see you in private" Damian asked walking into the bedroom of the trailer and closing the door

"Yeah?" Jon asked

"How do you plan on getting through tonight without Cassie knowing" Damian questioned

"I thought we'd tell her" Jon replied

"I'm fine with that, but we're you going to tell her without consulting me" Damian asked

"I was going too, but I also completely like forgot too" Jon replied

"Just be glad you're cute" Damian sighed

"I know I am" Jon beamed

They opened the door again

"So what was that about?" Cassie asked

"We have something to tell you before tonight gets awkward" Jon replied

"Jon most times I'm with you it's awkward because you are" Cassie said

"Not what I meant" Jon stated

"What Kent is trying to say is that myself and him are involved romantically and don't want to make things awkward" Damian exclaimed elbowing Jon

"Wait really that's the big secret, that's kinda disappointing" Cassie sighed

"Disappointing?" Jon questioned

"Yeah it was always going to happen, I think literally the world knew that you two would be together before you two did" Cassie replied

"Well then" Damian sighed

"Let's watch a movie" Jon cheered

Damian and Jon jumped onto the bed after Damian made popcorn and Cassie sat down beside them and they watch a movie and laughed and joked until three in the morning until they got tired and went to sleep.

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